
While writing complex logic, you might be in the cycle of testing/debugging your code. Although UDT -> Debug lets you set breakpoints and debug your code using Chrome Debug Tool, these couple of techniques may also prove handy.

System requirements

Please make sure your local environment uses the following application versions before proceeding.

  • InDesign v18.5 or higher
  • UDT v1.9.0 or higher
  • Manifest version v5 or higher

Console logs

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async function foo() {
console.log("foo"); // writes "foo" to the UXP Developer Tool console.
console.error("foo error"); // does the same thing, but the text is shown in red so errors are more easily seen.


Create a modal dialog that pauses the execution of your script/plugin until you dismiss it.

Copied to your clipboard
function alert(msg) {
const { app } = require("indesign");
const dialog = app.dialogs.add();
const col = dialog.dialogColumns.add();
const colText = col.staticTexts.add();
colText.staticLabel = `${msg}`;
dialog.canCancel = false;;
async function foo() {

Additional notes

  • UXP Alerts are currently not supported in InDesign.
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