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Common Concepts in Creating Extensions

Understand the fundamentals required to develop an extension for the Universal Editor.

Extension Point

Universal editor has an universal-editor/ui/1 extension point that allows you to extend its functionality. To declare it to be used by your extension, you need to add the following configuration to your app.config.yaml at the root of your extension:

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$include: src/universal-editor-ui-1/ext.config.yaml

Here is an example of ext.config.yaml file:

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- type: web
impl: index.html
actions: actions
web: web-src

Extension Registration

Interaction between UI Extension and Universal Editor starts with the initialization process that includes extension's capabilities registration so Universal Editor knows when to invoke the extension. Registration is done by register method provided by @adobe/uix-guest library. This asynchronous method takes single object that describes extension and returns object representing connection to the Universal Editor.

Method register should be invoked after extension initialization page is loaded.

Extension registration data must include:

  • id - string with random extension identifier. This identifier useful for debugging of interaction between Universal Editor and extension and needed if extension provides custom UI.
  • methods - objects with extension code exposed to the Universal Editor console. All methods are grouped into namespaces that represents extension points provided by the Universal Editor. Currently, the following namespaces are available:
    • headerMenu, that allows to add buttons to the header of the Universal Editor;
    • rightPanel, that allows to add custom content under the rails to the right panel of the Universal Editor;
    • canvas, that allows to add custom renderer for data types
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import { register } from "@adobe/uix-guest";
// ...
const guestConnection = await register({
id: "extension-id",
methods: {
headerMenu: {
getButtons() {
// ..
rightPanel: {
getPanels() {
// ..
canvas: {
getRenderers() {
// ..
// ...

Building Extension UI

In cases where a UI Extension manages data or sends data to a remote service, the register method is the only one expected to be called. If the UI Extension includes its own interface, it should be presented on a separate page. If this interface needs data from the Universal Editor or needs to trigger any logic, it should establish a connection using the attach method.

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import { attach } from "@adobe/uix-guest";
const connection = await attach({ id: "extension-id" });
const state = await connection.host.editorState.get();
const token = await connection.sharedContext.get("token");
const model = await connection.host.field.getModel();

Set up communication with Universal Editor

Both register and attach function of @adobe/uix-guest returns same connection object that has host property and expose API of Universal Editor exposed for UI Extensions. Through this api you can access data from the universal editor as well as send data to it.

Check this section to learn about common concepts on how to achive this

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