Migrating to Adobe Streaming Media for Edge Network extension
Configuration Changes
Name | Key | Value | Required |
Collection API Server | "media.trackingServer" | String | Yes |
Channel | "media.channel" | String | No |
Player Name | "media.playerName" | String | No |
Application Version | "media.appVersion" | String | No |
Media for Edge Network
Name | Key | Value | Required |
Channel | "edgeMedia.channel" | String | Yes |
Player Name | "edgeMedia.playerName" | String | Yes |
Application Version | "edgeMedia.appVersion" | String | No |
Dependency Changes
Media | EdgeMedia |
Core | Core |
Analytics | Edge |
Identity | EdgeIdentity |
Media | EdgeMedia |
AEPMedia | AEPEdgeMedia |
AEPCore | AEPCore |
AEPAnalytics | AEPEdge |
AEPIdentity | AEPEdgeIdentity |
AEPMedia | AEPEdgeMedia |
Media | EdgeMedia |
Core | Core |
Analytics | Edge |
Identity | EdgeIdentity |
Media | EdgeMedia |
AEPMedia | AEPEdgeMedia |
AEPCore | AEPCore |
AEPAnalytics | AEPEdge |
AEPIdentity | AEPEdgeIdentity |
AEPMedia | AEPEdgeMedia |
Refer to the guide on how to configure and setup Media for Edge Network to learn more.
Install extensions
Download extension with dependencies using Maven & Gradle
Copied to your clipboard- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:core:2.+'- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:identity:2.+'- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:analytics:2.+'- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:media:3.+'+ implementation platform('com.adobe.marketing.mobile:sdk-bom:2.+')+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:core'+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:edge'+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:edgeidentity'+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:edgemedia'
Download extension with dependencies
1. Using Cocoapods
Copied to your clipboardpod 'AEPCore'- pod 'AEPAnalytics'- pod 'AEPMedia'+ pod 'AEPEdge'+ pod 'AEPEdgeIdentity'+ pod 'AEPEdgeMedia'
2. Using SPM
Import the package:
a. Using repository URL
Copied to your clipboard- https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-media-ios.git+ https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edgemedia-ios.git
b. Using Package.swift
Make changes to your dependencies as shown below:
Copied to your clipboarddependencies: [.package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-core-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),- .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-analytics-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),- .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-media-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0"))+ .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edge-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),+ .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edgeidentity-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),+ .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edgemedia-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0"))]
Download extension with dependencies using Maven & Gradle
Copied to your clipboard- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:core:2.+'- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:identity:2.+'- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:analytics:2.+'- implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:media:3.+'+ implementation platform('com.adobe.marketing.mobile:sdk-bom:2.+')+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:core'+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:edge'+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:edgeidentity'+ implementation 'com.adobe.marketing.mobile:edgemedia'
Download extension with dependencies
1. Using Cocoapods
Copied to your clipboardpod 'AEPCore'- pod 'AEPAnalytics'- pod 'AEPMedia'+ pod 'AEPEdge'+ pod 'AEPEdgeIdentity'+ pod 'AEPEdgeMedia'
2. Using SPM
Import the package:
a. Using repository URL
Copied to your clipboard- https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-media-ios.git+ https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edgemedia-ios.git
b. Using Package.swift
Make changes to your dependencies as shown below:
Copied to your clipboarddependencies: [.package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-core-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),- .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-analytics-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),- .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-media-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0"))+ .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edge-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),+ .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edgeidentity-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),+ .package(url: "https://github.com/adobe/aepsdk-edgemedia-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0"))]
Import & Register extensions
- Import extensions
Copied to your clipboardimport com.adobe.marketing.mobile.MobileCore;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Identity;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Analytics;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Media;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Edge;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.identity.Identity;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.Media;
- Register extensions
Copied to your clipboardpublic class MainApp extends Application {private final String ENVIRONMENT_FILE_ID = "YOUR_APP_ENVIRONMENT_ID";@Overridepublic void onCreate() {super.onCreate();MobileCore.setApplication(this);MobileCore.configureWithAppID(ENVIRONMENT_FILE_ID);- List<Class<? extends Extension>> extensions = Arrays.asList(- Media.EXTENSION, Analytics.EXTENSION, Identity.EXTENSION);+ List<Class<? extends Extension>> extensions = Arrays.asList(+ Media.EXTENSION, Edge.EXTENSION, Identity.EXTENSION);MobileCore.registerExtensions(extensions, o -> {Log.d(LOG_TAG, "AEP Mobile SDK is initialized");});}}
- Import extensions
Copied to your clipboard// AppDelegate.swiftimport AEPCore- import AEPIdentity- import AEPAnalytics- import AEPMedia+ import AEPEdge+ import AEPEdgeIdentity+ import AEPEdgeMedia
- Register extensions
Copied to your clipboard// AppDelegate.swiftfunc application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {- MobileCore.registerExtensions([Identity.self, Analytics.self, Media.self], {+ MobileCore.registerExtensions([Edge.self, Identity.self, Media.self], {MobileCore.configureWith(appId: "yourEnvironmentID")})...}
- Import extensions
Copied to your clipboardimport com.adobe.marketing.mobile.MobileCore;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Identity;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Analytics;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Media;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Edge;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.identity.Identity;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.Media;
- Register extensions
Copied to your clipboardpublic class MainApp extends Application {private final String ENVIRONMENT_FILE_ID = "YOUR_APP_ENVIRONMENT_ID";@Overridepublic void onCreate() {super.onCreate();MobileCore.setApplication(this);MobileCore.configureWithAppID(ENVIRONMENT_FILE_ID);- List<Class<? extends Extension>> extensions = Arrays.asList(- Media.EXTENSION, Analytics.EXTENSION, Identity.EXTENSION);+ List<Class<? extends Extension>> extensions = Arrays.asList(+ Media.EXTENSION, Edge.EXTENSION, Identity.EXTENSION);MobileCore.registerExtensions(extensions, o -> {Log.d(LOG_TAG, "AEP Mobile SDK is initialized");});}}
- Import extensions
Copied to your clipboard// AppDelegate.swiftimport AEPCore- import AEPIdentity- import AEPAnalytics- import AEPMedia+ import AEPEdge+ import AEPEdgeIdentity+ import AEPEdgeMedia
- Register extensions
Copied to your clipboard// AppDelegate.swiftfunc application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {- MobileCore.registerExtensions([Identity.self, Analytics.self, Media.self], {+ MobileCore.registerExtensions([Edge.self, Identity.self, Media.self], {MobileCore.configureWith(appId: "yourEnvironmentID")})...}
Public API changes
All numeric parameters of the public APIs have been updated to type Integer
package name
The Media for Edge Network extension uses the same class names as the Media Analytics extension. The Java package, however, is changed to com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media
Copied to your clipboard- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Media;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.MediaConstants;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.MediaTracker;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.Media;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.MediaConstants;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.MediaTracker;
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createMediaObject(String name,- String id,- double length,- String streamType,- MediaType mediaType);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createMediaObject(String name,+ String id,+ int length,+ String streamType,+ MediaType mediaType);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdBreakObject(String name, long position, double startTime);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdBreakObject(String name, int position, int startTime);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdObject(String name, String id, long position, double length);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdObject(String name, String id, int position, int length);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createChapterObject(String name,- long position,- double length,- double startTime);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createChapterObject(String name,+ int position,+ int length,+ int startTime);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createQoEObject(long bitrate,- double startupTime,- double fps,- long droppedFrames);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createQoEObject(int bitrate,+ int startupTime,+ int fps,+ int droppedFrames);
Copied to your clipboard- public void updateCurrentPlayhead(double time);+ public void updateCurrentPlayhead(int time);
Copied to your clipboard- static func createMediaObjectWith(name: String, id: String, length: Double, streamType: String, mediaType: MediaType) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createMediaObjectWith(name: String, id: String, length: Int, streamType: String, mediaType: MediaType) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createAdBreakObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, startTime: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createAdBreakObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createAdObjectWith(name: String, id: String, position: Int, length: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createAdObjectWith(name: String, id: String, position: Int, length: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createChapterObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, length: Double, startTime: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createChapterObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, length: Int, startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: Double, startupTime: Double, fps: Double, droppedFrames: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: Int, startupTime: Int, fps: Int, droppedFrames: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- func updateCurrentPlayhead(time: Double)+ func updateCurrentPlayhead(time: Int)
package name
The Media for Edge Network extension uses the same class names as the Media Analytics extension. The Java package, however, is changed to com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media
Copied to your clipboard- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Media;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.MediaConstants;- import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.MediaTracker;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.Media;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.MediaConstants;+ import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.media.MediaTracker;
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createMediaObject(String name,- String id,- double length,- String streamType,- MediaType mediaType);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createMediaObject(String name,+ String id,+ int length,+ String streamType,+ MediaType mediaType);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdBreakObject(String name, long position, double startTime);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdBreakObject(String name, int position, int startTime);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdObject(String name, String id, long position, double length);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createAdObject(String name, String id, int position, int length);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createChapterObject(String name,- long position,- double length,- double startTime);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createChapterObject(String name,+ int position,+ int length,+ int startTime);
Copied to your clipboard- public static HashMap<String, Object> createQoEObject(long bitrate,- double startupTime,- double fps,- long droppedFrames);+ public static HashMap<String, Object> createQoEObject(int bitrate,+ int startupTime,+ int fps,+ int droppedFrames);
Copied to your clipboard- public void updateCurrentPlayhead(double time);+ public void updateCurrentPlayhead(int time);
Copied to your clipboard- static func createMediaObjectWith(name: String, id: String, length: Double, streamType: String, mediaType: MediaType) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createMediaObjectWith(name: String, id: String, length: Int, streamType: String, mediaType: MediaType) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createAdBreakObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, startTime: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createAdBreakObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createAdObjectWith(name: String, id: String, position: Int, length: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createAdObjectWith(name: String, id: String, position: Int, length: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createChapterObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, length: Double, startTime: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createChapterObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, length: Int, startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- static func createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: Double, startupTime: Double, fps: Double, droppedFrames: Double) -> [String: Any]?+ static func createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: Int, startupTime: Int, fps: Int, droppedFrames: Int) -> [String: Any]?
Copied to your clipboard- func updateCurrentPlayhead(time: Double)+ func updateCurrentPlayhead(time: Int)
Granular ad tracking
Media extension allowed for ad content tracking of 1 second
when setting the MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.GRANULAR_AD_TRACKING
key in the media object.
Media for Edge Network extension supports customizable ping intervals. Ad content
tracking interval can be set in the range [1-10] seconds
, and main content
tracking interval can be set in the range [10-50] seconds
. For more details, refer to the createTrackerWithConfig API.
Copied to your clipboard+ HashMap<String, Object> trackerConfig = new HashMap<>();+ trackerConfig.put(MediaConstants.Config.AD_PING_INTERVAL, 1);- MediaTracker tracker = Media.createTracker()+ MediaTracker tracker = Media.createTrackerWith(trackerConfig);HashMap<String, Object> mediaObject = Media.createMediaObject("name", "id", 30, "vod", Media.MediaType.Video);- mediaObject.put(MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.GRANULAR_AD_TRACKING, true)HashMap<String, String> videoMetadata = new HashMap<String, String>();videoMetadata.put(MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.EPISODE, "Sample Episode");videoMetadata.put(MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.SHOW, "Sample Show");tracker.trackSessionStart(mediaObject, videoMetadata)
Copied to your clipboard+ var trackerConfig: [String: Any] = [:]+ trackerConfig[MediaConstants.TrackerConfig.AD_PING_INTERVAL] = 1- let tracker = Media.createTracker()+ let tracker = Media.createTrackerWith(config: trackerConfig)guard var mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "name", id: "id", length: 30, streamType: "vod", mediaType: MediaType.Video) else {return}- mediaObject[MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.GRANULAR_AD_TRACKING] = truetracker.trackSessionStart(info: mediaObject, metadata: videoMetadata)
Copied to your clipboard+ HashMap<String, Object> trackerConfig = new HashMap<>();+ trackerConfig.put(MediaConstants.Config.AD_PING_INTERVAL, 1);- MediaTracker tracker = Media.createTracker()+ MediaTracker tracker = Media.createTrackerWith(trackerConfig);HashMap<String, Object> mediaObject = Media.createMediaObject("name", "id", 30, "vod", Media.MediaType.Video);- mediaObject.put(MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.GRANULAR_AD_TRACKING, true)HashMap<String, String> videoMetadata = new HashMap<String, String>();videoMetadata.put(MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.EPISODE, "Sample Episode");videoMetadata.put(MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.SHOW, "Sample Show");tracker.trackSessionStart(mediaObject, videoMetadata)
Copied to your clipboard+ var trackerConfig: [String: Any] = [:]+ trackerConfig[MediaConstants.TrackerConfig.AD_PING_INTERVAL] = 1- let tracker = Media.createTracker()+ let tracker = Media.createTrackerWith(config: trackerConfig)guard var mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "name", id: "id", length: 30, streamType: "vod", mediaType: MediaType.Video) else {return}- mediaObject[MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.GRANULAR_AD_TRACKING] = truetracker.trackSessionStart(info: mediaObject, metadata: videoMetadata)
Downloaded content tracking
Media for Edge Network extension currently does not support the downloaded content tracking workflow.
API reference
The Media for Edge Network extension offers APIs that are similar to those provided by the Media Analytics extension. To explore the Media for Edge Network extension APIs and understand their usage, please refer to the API reference docs.