Configure the Docker environment

Cloud Docker for Commerce uses Docker Compose to build and deploy Adobe Commerce to a multi-container Docker application.

You can generate the Docker Compose configuration to build and deploy Docker from the following sources:

Run Composer with Docker

You can run composer using the docker command before you create the container instance. This technique is useful to create an application instance during the CI/CD build process, or even during first-time setup.

When you run composer with Docker commands, you must use the Docker Hub PHP Image Tag that matches the Adobe Commerce application version. The following example uses PHP 7.3. You run this command from the project root directory.

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docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app/:delegated -v ~/.composer/:/root/.composer/:delegated magento/magento-cloud-docker-php:7.3-cli-1.1 bash -c "composer install&&chown www. /app/"

This command passes in the current working directory as /app/, includes composer from ~/.composer/, and runs the composer install command in the container. After this set up, the command fixes the permissions on the files that have been added or changed.

Update Composer for Docker

To update the Composer version in Cloud Docker, add the COMPOSER_VERSION variable to your .docker/config.env file with the version you want to use. For example, to use Composer 2.x with Adobe Commerce >=2.4.2:

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When you build your Docker image with this variable, Cloud Docker uses this version to run composer self-update $COMPOSER_VERSION for your environment.

Run Docker on a custom host and port

Sometimes you might want to run Docker on a different host and port, for example if you need more than one Docker instance.

To configure the custom host and port:

  1. Add the host and port options to the build:compose command.

    Copied to your clipboard
    ./vendor/bin/ece-docker build:compose --host=magento2.test --port=8080
  2. Add or update the custom host name in your /etc/hosts file.

    Copied to your clipboard magento2.test

    Alternatively, you can run the following command to add it to the file:

    Copied to your clipboard
    echo " magento2.test" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Set up email

The default Cloud Docker for Commerce configuration includes the MailHog service as a replacement for the Sendmail service. Sendmail can cause performance issues in the local Docker environment.

After you start the Docker environment, go to the following URL to access the MailHog service and view outgoing emails: http://magento2.docker:8025