Extend the Docker configuration

You can use the built-in Docker extension mechanism to specify multiple compose files.

The following example replaces the default value of the ENABLE_SENDMAIL environment variable.

  1. Create a docker-compose-dev.yml file inside your project root directory and add the following content:

    Copied to your clipboard
    version: '2'
  2. Pass both configuration files while executing your commands. For example:

    Copied to your clipboard
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml run deploy bash

Composer configuration

You can configure Composer using environment variables. Each version of the PHP Docker image requires a specific Composer version and, by default, the Composer cache is not cleared when starting the Docker container. Specify the Composer version with the COMPOSER_VERSION environment variable. Enable Composer clear cache with the COMPOSER_CLEAR_CACHE environment variable.

To set the Composer version and clear Composer cache:

  1. Create a docker-compose-dev.yml file inside your project root directory and add the following content:

    Copied to your clipboard
    version: '2'
  2. Pass both configuration files while executing your commands. For example:

    Copied to your clipboard
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml run deploy bash

Specify Docker build sources

To test changes to images or make more extensive changes to the containers, you must build them from source. You can do this by adding the build:context configuration to the docker-compose.override.yml file.

The following example defines the build context for the Web container. You can use the same technique to build from any of the images in the vendor/magento/magento-cloud-docker directory or any other Docker image, including local images that are resourced outside the project.

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version: '2.1'
context: ./vendor/magento/magento-cloud-docker/images/nginx/1.9/

Use the --force-recreate option to refresh the container build to update the container configuration and test iteratively:

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docker compose up -d --force-recreate --build

Add a version of existing service

In the magento/magento-cloud-docker package, the available service versions are determined by the Docker service images configured in the images directory. You add a service version by creating a directory for the version and adding a Dockerfile and other files to configure the new version.

To add a service version using a Dockerfile:

  1. Clone the magento/magento-cloud-docker project to your local environment if necessary.

  2. On the command line, change to the directory that contains the existing service version configurations.

    Copied to your clipboard
    cd magento-cloud-docker/images/<service-name>
  3. Create a directory for the new version.

  4. Change to the new directory.

  5. Create a Dockerfile with any additional configuration details for the new version, such as supported plugins. You can use the Dockerfile from the previous version as a template.

  6. Add the docker-entrypoint.sh and healthcheck files if needed.

  7. Add any necessary .conf and .ini files for the service to the etc directory.

  8. Build the image.

    Copied to your clipboard
    docker build -t test/<service-name>:<service-version>
  9. After the build succeeds, test the changes by specifying the Docker build sources.

Add a PHP extension

You can add PHP extensions to the PHP container by adding the extension configuration to the ExtensionResolver.php configuration file for Cloud Docker for Commerce.

To add a PHP extension:

  1. Clone the magento/magento-cloud-docker project to your local environment.

  2. On the command line, navigate to the PHP directory.

    Copied to your clipboard
    cd magento-cloud-docker/src/Compose/Php
  3. Add one or more extensions to the ExtensionResolver.php file:

    • Open the ExtensionResolver.php file for editing.

    • Specify the required extension in the getConfig method by specifying the extension type and dependency.

      For example, the following block adds the bcmath extension:

      Copied to your clipboard
      public static function getConfig(): array
      'bcmath' => [
      '>=7.0' => [self::EXTENSION_TYPE => self::EXTENSION_TYPE_CORE],

      In this case, the bcmath PHP core extension installs from docker-php-source images.

    The configuration you specify depends on the location of the extension source files and method of installation. You can add PHP core extensions from the official Docker PHP images, from the PECL repository, or using an installation script. For details on the configuration attributes and format for the getConfig method, see PHP extension configuration reference.

  4. Enable the extension by default, or by adding it to the .magento.app.yaml file:

    • To enable an extension by default, add it to the DEFAULT_PHP_EXTENSIONS array in the ExtensionResolver.php file.

      Copied to your clipboard
      * Extensions which should be installed by default
      public const DEFAULT_PHP_EXTENSIONS = [
    • If you add the extension to the .magento.app.yaml for your Cloud project, you must regenerate the Docker Compose configuration file and restart the Docker container.

  5. Add any required .ini files to the PHP FPM container configuration.

    • On the command line, navigate to the FPM image directory magento-cloud-docker/images/php/fpm:

      Copied to your clipboard
      cd ../../../images/php/fpm
    • Add each required .ini file to the etc directory.

    • For each .ini file that you add, you must add the following line to the Dockerfile (magento-cloud-docker/images/php/fpm/Dockerfile):

      Copied to your clipboard
      COPY etc/<filename>.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/<filename>.ini
  6. Add any required .ini files to the PHP CLI container configuration.

    • On the command line, navigate to the CLI image directory magento-cloud-docker/images/php/cli.

      Copied to your clipboard
      cd ../cli
    • Add each required .ini file to the etc directory.

    • For each .ini file that you add, you must add the following line to the Dockerfile (magento-cloud-docker/images/php/cli/Dockerfile):

      Copied to your clipboard
      ADD etc/<file-name>.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/<filename>.ini
  7. Generate an updated Dockerfile for all PHP image versions included in the Cloud Docker for Commerce package.

    Copied to your clipboard
    bin/ece-docker image:generate:php
  8. Test the extension by specifying the Docker build sources.

PHP extension configuration reference

Use the following attributes to specify the PHP extension configuration in the getConfig method in the ExtensionResolver.php file. The configuration you specify depends on method of installation: from the official Docker PHP images, from the PECL repository, or using an installation script.

Configuration optionDescription
PHP version constraint
Specifies the extension versions to install. If different versions have different installation requirements, you must add the configuration for each version.
Extension that can be installed from a docker-php-source image.
Extensions that can be installed from the PECL repository.
For extensions that install using a command sequence.
Specifies whether the extension installed from the Docker PHP images, the PECL repository, or using an installation script. Valid values: EXTENSION_TYPE_CORE, EXTENSION_TYPE_PECL, or EXTENSION_TYPE_INSTALLATION_SCRIPT
For PHP core extensions, specifies any configuration options to apply when Docker configures the PHP extension using the docker-php-ext-configure command.
Specifies the extension package name. This value is used to generate the installation command.
For extension type EXTENSION_TYPE_INSTALLATION_SCRIPT, specifies the Bash script to install the extension.

Example: Core extension configuration

The following example shows the configuration for adding the PHP core extension gd in the ExtensionResolver.php file.

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public static function getConfig(): array
'gd' => [
'>=7.0 <=7.3' => [
self::EXTENSION_OS_DEPENDENCIES => ['libjpeg62-turbo-dev', 'libpng-dev', 'libfreetype6-dev'],
'>=7.4' => [
self::EXTENSION_OS_DEPENDENCIES => ['libjpeg62-turbo-dev', 'libpng-dev', 'libfreetype6-dev'],

Example: PECL extension configuration

The following example shows the configuration for adding the gnupg extension from the PECL repository.

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public static function getConfig(): array
'gnupg' => [
'>=7.0' => [
self::EXTENSION_OS_DEPENDENCIES => ['libgpgme11-dev'],

Example: Configuration for extension installed using a script

The following example shows the configuration for installing the ioncube extension using an installation script.

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public static function getConfig(): array
'ioncube' => [
'>=7.0 <=7.3' => [
cd /tmp
curl -O https://downloads.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz
tar zxvf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz
export PHP_EXT_DIR=$(php-config --extension-dir)
cp "./ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_\${PHP_VERSION}.so" "\${PHP_EXT_DIR}/ioncube.so"
rm -rf ./ioncube
rm ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz