Deploy the Docker environment

By default, Cloud Docker for Commerce deploys Adobe Commerce to a read-only file system in the Docker environment.

The default deployment mirrors the read-only file system in the cloud infrastructure Production environment. You can deploy a Docker environment in developer mode, which provides an active development environment with full, writable file system permissions. The ece-docker build:compose command generates the Docker Compose configuration file from project configuration settings and to deploy Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure to a local Docker environment. You supply the configuration settings from multiple sources depending on your requirements. See Configure sources.

Launch mode

You can launch a Docker environment in production or developer mode by setting the mode option on the ece-docker build:compose command:

  • Production mode—The --mode="production" setting supports an active production environment with read-only file system permissions. This is the default configuration setting for launching a Docker environment. Selecting this option builds the Docker environment in production mode and verifies configured service versions. See Production mode launch instructions.

  • Developer mode—The --mode="developer" setting supports an active development environment with full, writable file system permissions. Selecting this option builds the Docker environment in developer mode and verifies configured service versions. System performance is slower in developer mode because of additional file synchronization operations. See Developer mode launch instructions.

For example, the following command starts the Docker configuration generator for the developer mode:

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./vendor/bin/ece-docker build:compose --mode="developer"

To skip the interactive mode, use the -n, --no-interaction option.

Stop and start containers

You can stop containers and restore them afterwards using the following methods.

Suspend containers to continue your work later
docker compose stop
Stop and remove all containers, images, and volumes
docker compose down
Start containers from a suspended state
docker compose start

Use the following command to stop and remove the Docker configuration:

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docker compose down -v