ColumnsEditorView component
The ColumnsEditorView UI component is an extension for the ColumnsEditor component. It provides functionality for showing the inline form for editing a selected grid record.
Option | Description | Type | Default Value |
component | The path to the component's .js file, relative to RequireJS. | String | Magento_Ui/js/grid/editing/editor-view |
rootSelector | The CSS selector of a table parent element. | String | '${ $.columnsProvider }:.admin__data-grid-wrap' |
tableSelector | The CSS selector of a table element. | String | '${ $.rootSelector } -> table' |
model | The uiRegistry path to the ColumnsEditor component. | String | - |
rowSelector | The CSS selector of a row element. | String | '${ $.tableSelector } tbody' |
headerButtonsTmpl | The Knockout template for showing header buttons. | String | '<!-- ko template: headerButtonsTmpl --><!-- /ko -->' |
bulkTmpl | The Knockout template for showing the ColumnsEditingBulk component. | String | <!-- ko scope: bulk --><!-- ko template: getTemplate() --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> |
rowTmpl | The Knockout template for showing ColumnsEditorRecord component. | String | <!-- ko with: _editor --><!-- ko if: isActive($row()._rowIndex, true) --><!-- ko with: getRecord($row()._rowIndex, true) --><!-- ko template: rowTmpl --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: isSingleEditing && singleEditingButtons --><!-- ko template: rowButtonsTmpl --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> |
Sources files
Extends uiClass
This is an example of how the ColumnsEditorView component integrates with the ColumnsEditor component:
Copied to your clipboard<listing>...<columns name="columns"><settings><editorConfig><param name="indexField" xsi:type="string">entity_id</param><param name="enabled" xsi:type="boolean">true</param><param name="selectProvider" xsi:type="string">${ $.columnsProvider }.ids</param><param name="viewConfig" xsi:type="array"><item name="component" xsi:type="string">Magento_Ui/js/grid/editing/record</item><item name="model" xsi:type="string">${ $.name }</item><item name="tableSelector" xsi:type="string">${ $.rootSelector } -> table</item></param></editorConfig></settings><selectionsColumn name="ids"><settings><indexField>entity_id</indexField></settings></selectionsColumn><column name="entity_id"><settings><label translate="true">ID</label></settings></column><column name="title"><settings><filter>text</filter><editor><validation><rule name="required-entry" xsi:type="boolean">true</rule></validation><editorType>text</editorType></editor><label translate="true">Title</label></settings></column><column name="is_active" component="Magento_Ui/js/grid/columns/select"><settings><options class="Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno"/><filter>select</filter><editor><editorType>select</editorType></editor><dataType>select</dataType><label translate="true">Status</label></settings></column></columns></listing>