FileUploader component
The File Uploader component is an adapter for the jQuery-File-Upload plugin used in Magento. This component integrates file upload functionality with UI components.
Title | Description | Type | Default Value |
allowedExtensions | List of allowed file extensions. For example, 'jpg jpeg gif png svg' . If set to "false" - then no extension is allowed, "true" - any extension is allowed. | Boolean/String | false |
component | The path to the component's JS constructor in terms of RequireJS. | String | 'Magento_Ui/js/form/element/file-uploader' |
dropZone | CSS selector of a drop zone element. | String | [data-role=drop-zone] |
isMultipleFiles | Defines whether multiple files can be uploaded. | Boolean | false |
maxFileSize | Defines the maximum allowed file size in bytes. | Boolean/Number | false |
placeholderType | Defines the preview type. (When set to document , the file information is displayed.) | document | image | video | document |
previewTmpl | Path to the file's preview .html template | String | ui/form/element/uploader/preview |
uploaderConfig | Configuration passed to jquery-file-upload plugin. | Object | {dataType: 'json', sequentialUploads: true, formData: {'form_key': window.FORM_KEY}} |
Here is an example of how File Uploader component integrates with Form component:
Copied to your clipboard<form xmlns:xsi="">...<fieldset name="foo">...<settings><label translate="true">Foo</label><collapsible>true</collapsible><opened>true</opened></settings><field name="bar" formElement="fileUploader"><settings><label translate="true">Sound Check</label></settings><formElements><fileUploader><settings><uploaderConfig><param xsi:type="string" name="url">path/to/controller</param></uploaderConfig></settings></fileUploader></formElements></field></fieldset></form>
Source files
Extends abstract