
Some GET batch request endpoints support sorting, filtering, and pagination.

Currently, the files endpoints support pagination only. The package endpoints support all three.

Paginating batch requests

The following GET request parameters are passed to request a subset of the results.

The record in the list from which to begin. The list starts at 0.
Number of records to return, starting from offset. -1 will return all remaining records.

The result includes a X-Total-Count header, which provides the total number of records.

Sorting batch requests

If a field is listed as filterable, it is also sortable. To sort, pass in the sort GET parameter:

Comma-separated list of field names to sort by. Fields may be prefixed with - to sort in descending order, or + for ascending.

For example, to sort all versions of all packages (M2 packages first, then M1) grouped alphabetically by name with the newest packages first:

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GET /rest/v1/products/packages/?sort=-platform,+name,-version

Filtering batch requests

You can use multiple response fields as filters in batch GET requests.

For example, to get a package with the submission_id "12345", one way is to call the single-object convenience endpoint without using filters:

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GET /rest/v1/products/packages/12345/

Or alternatively, call the batch endpoint to return a list and filter it by submission_id, so that the list contains only one item:

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GET /rest/v1/products/packages/?submission_id=12345

The difference is that the first returns a single object or an error, while the second returns a list containing zero or one elements. The following request filters all themes sorted by platform in ascending order and created_at in descending order:


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curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \,-created_at


This response contains a list of theme packages, each with the structure described in Get package details.