
The users resource accesses and updates your user profile. You can also access your sales reports.


You must use your mage_id for these endpoints. One way you can get your mage_id is when you obtain a session token.

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GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id
GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id?style=summary

Get profile data

By default, requests for profile data return all fields. You can limit the amount of data that the request returns by using the style=summary option.

The following example shows the request/response body for retrieving all profile data.

Selected FieldsTypeDescription
Whether to receive emails about policies and announcements
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curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \

The following example shows the request/response body for retrieving a subset of profile data:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \

Update profile data

You can update most of your profile data fields, but you only need to include the fields you want to modify in the request body.

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PUT /rest/v1/users/:mage_id

The following example shows a request to update the personal profile bio field:

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"action" : "submit",
"personal_profile" : {
"bio" : "My extensions have won Nobel Prizes in both literature and physics."

The action field specifies which update operation to perform:

  • submit --- Once your profile is complete, publishes the profile to the Commerce Marketplace partners page.
  • draft --- The update is saved on the Marketplace Developer Portal, but not published to the Commerce Marketplace.


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curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "action" : "submit", "personal_profile" : { "bio" : "My extensions have won Nobel Prizes in both literature and physics." } }' \


A 200 OK HTTP response code indicates a successful update.

Magento 2 package access keys

Use these endpoints to manage your Magento 2 package access keys. (These keys are not your API access keys.)

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GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys
POST /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys
PUT /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys/:url_encoded_label_of_m2_key
DELETE /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys/:url_encoded_label_of_m2_key

Get keys

Use this endpoint to return the keys associated with the specified mage_id.

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GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys

The following table lists available query parameters, all of which are optional:

Type of keys requested:
m1 --- Magento 1 product keys
m2 --- Magento 2 composer repo keys
all --- Both M1 and M2 keys (default)
The url encoded value of the key label; only valid for m2 type.
Your mage_id, current Adobe org_id, or the special token all. Defaults to all.

The following example shows the request/response body for retrieving keys without any query parameters:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \

Magento 2 keys

  • Each Composer key-pair has unique label and is_enabled flags to indicate whether the key is enabled.
  • A Composer key-pair is identified by user_key (username) and password_key (password) when prompted for Composer credentials.
  • The uid indicates whether the key is to be associated with a specific mage_id or a specific Adobe org_id. If this field is absent, then the mage_id is used.

Create keys

Use this endpoint to create new Magento 2 Composer key-pairs. You must specify a unique label for each key. You can create multiple key-pairs in a single request.

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POST /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys
Copied to your clipboard
"m2": [
"label": "key_for_alice"
"label": "key_for_charlie",
"uid": "MAG123456789"
"label": "key_for_my_org",
"uid": "000CBA111DCB222@AdobeOrg"
Copied to your clipboard
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "m2": [ {"label":"key_for_alice"}, {"label":"key_for_charlie", "uid":"MAG123456789"}, {"label":"key_for_my_org", "uid":"000CBA111DCB222@AdobeOrg"} ] }' \
  • The API returns a batch response for each label.
  • A 200 OK HTTP response code indicates a successful update.
  • Any non-200 HTTP response code indicates an error. See the message field for details.

Update keys

Use this endpoint to enable or disable a Magento 2 Composer key-pair. You must specify the key-pair in the request using a URL-encoded string.

  • The uid indicates whether the label refers to a key associated with a specific mage_id or to a specific Adobe org_id. If this field is absent, then the mage_id is used.
Copied to your clipboard
PUT /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys/:url_encoded_label_of_m2_key
Copied to your clipboard
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "m2" : [ { "is_enabled" : true, "uid" : "MAG123456789" } ] }' \

Delete keys

This endpoint can be used to remove a Magento 2 composer key-pair identified by the given url-encoded label.

  • The uid indicates whether the label refers to a key associated with a specific mage_id or to a specific Adobe org_id. If this field is absent, then the mage_id is used.
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DELETE /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/keys/:url_encoded_label_of_m2_key?uid=:mage_id

The following curl example illustrates the call to be made:


Copied to your clipboard
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer baGXoStRuR9VCDFQGZNzgNqbqu5WUwlr.cAxZJ9m22Le7' \


A 204 No Content HTTP response code indicates a successful update.

User reports

Use these endpoints to retrieve reports owned by a specific user. Reports contain information about extension sales, payout status, aggregate sales, refund data, and more.

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GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/reports/pageviews
GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/reports/totals
GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/reports/sales
GET /rest/v1/users/:mage_id/reports/refunds