Page Builder Banner component.
This component is part of the Page Builder / PWA integration. It can be consumed without Page Builder.
— A React component that displays a Banner.
Name | Type | Description |
props | React component props |
Props for Banner
Name | Type | Description |
classes | Object | An object containing the class names for the banner |
classes.root | String | CSS class for the banner root element | | String | CSS class for the banner link element |
classes.wrapper | String | CSS class for the banner wrapper element |
classes.overlay | String | CSS class for the banner overlay element |
classes.content | String | CSS class for the banner content element |
classes.button | String | CSS class for the banner button wrapping element |
classes.buttonHover | String | CSS class for the banner button wrapping element for hover |
classes.posterOverlay | String | CSS class for the banner poster appearance overlay |
classes.collageLeftOverlay | String | CSS class for the banner collage left appearance overlay |
classes.collageCenteredOverlay | String | CSS class for the banner collage centered appearance overlay |
classes.collageRightOverlay | String | CSS class for the banner collage right appearance overlay |
classes.posterOverlayHover | String | CSS class for the banner poster appearance overlay hover |
classes.collageLeftOverlayHover | String | CSS class for the banner collage left appearance overlay hover |
classes.collageCenteredOverlayHover | String | CSS class for the banner collage centered appearance overlay hover |
classes.collageRightOverlayHover | String | CSS class for the banner collage right appearance overlay hover |
classes.poster | String | CSS class for the banner poster appearance |
classes.videoOverlay | String | CSS class for the video overlay |
classes.viewportElement | String | CSS class for viewport element |
minHeight | String | CSS minimum height property |
backgroundColor | String | CSS background-color property |
desktopImage | String | Background image URL to be displayed on desktop devices |
mobileImage | String | Background image URL to be displayed on mobile devices |
backgroundSize | String | CSS background-size property |
backgroundPosition | String | CSS background-position property |
backgroundAttachment | String | CSS background-attachment property |
backgroundRepeat | String | CSS background-repeat property |
content | String | The HTML content to be rendered inside the banner content area |
link | String | The link location for the banner |
linkType | String | The type of link included with the banner. Values: default, product, category, page |
showButton | String | Whether or not to show the button. Values: always, hover, never |
buttonText | String | Text to display within the button |
buttonType | String | The type of button to display. Values: primary, secondary, link |
showOverlay | String | Whether or not to show the overlay. Values: always, hover, never |
overlayColor | String | The color of the overlay |
textAlign | String | Alignment of the banner within the parent container |
border | String | CSS border property |
borderColor | String | CSS border color property |
borderWidth | String | CSS border width property |
borderRadius | String | CSS border radius property |
marginTop | String | CSS margin top property |
marginRight | String | CSS margin right property |
marginBottom | String | CSS margin bottom property |
marginLeft | String | CSS margin left property |
mediaQueries | Array | List of media query rules to be applied to the component |
paddingTop | String | CSS padding top property |
paddingRight | String | CSS padding right property |
paddingBottom | String | CSS padding bottom property |
paddingLeft | String | CSS padding left property |
cssClasses | Array | List of CSS classes to be applied to the component |
backgroundType | String | Background type |
videoSrc | String | URL to the video |
videoFallbackSrc | String | URL to the image which will be displayed before video |
videoLoop | Boolean | Play video in loop |
videoPlayOnlyVisible | Boolean | Play video when it is visible |
videoLazyLoading | Boolean | Load video when it is visible |
videoOverlayColor | String | Color for video overlay |
getParallax | function | Return parallax element and options |
Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/pagebuilder/lib/ContentTypes/Banner/banner.js