How to use the framework in CICD

To integrate tests into your CICD pipeline, it is best to start with the conceptual flow of the pipeline code.


The overall workflow that tests should follow is:

  • Obtain an Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance + install pre-requisites.
  • Generate the tests.
    • Set options for single or parallel running.
  • Delegate and run tests and gather test-run artifacts.
    • Re-run options.
  • Generate the Allure reports from the results.

Obtain a Commerce instance

To start, we need an Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance to operate against for test generation and execution.

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git clone


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composer create-project --repository= magento/project-community-edition magento2ce

For more information on installing Commerce see Install Commerce using Composer.

After installing the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance, set the following configuration:

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bin/magento config:set general/locale/timezone America/Los_Angeles
bin/magento config:set admin/security/admin_account_sharing 1
bin/magento config:set admin/security/use_form_key 0
bin/magento config:set cms/wysiwyg/enabled disabled

These set the default state of the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance. If you wish to change the default state of the application (and have updated your tests sufficiently to account for it), this is the step to do it.

If your instance has two-factor authentication enabled, see Configure 2FA to configure tests.

Install Allure

This is required for generating the report after your test runs. See Allure for details.

Generate tests

Single execution

Generate tests based on what you want to run:

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests

This will generate all tests and a single manifest file under dev/tests/acceptance/tests/functional/Magento/_generated/testManifest.txt.

Parallel execution

To generate all tests for use in parallel nodes:

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests --config parallel

This generates a folder under dev/tests/acceptance/tests/functional/Magento/_generated/groups. This folder contains several group#.txt files that can be used later with the mftf run:manifest command.

Delegate and run tests

Single execution

If you are running on a single node, call:

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vendor/bin/mftf run:manifest dev/tests/acceptance/tests/functional/Magento/_generated/testManifest.txt

Parallel execution

You can optimize your pipeline by running tests in parallel across multiple nodes.

Tests can be split up into roughly equal running groups using --config parallel.

You do not want to perform installations on each node again and build it. So, to save time, stash pre-made artifacts from earlier steps and un-stash on the nodes.

The groups can be then distributed on each of the nodes and run separately in an isolated environment.

  • Stash artifacts from main node and un-stash on current node.
  • Run vendor/bin/mftf run:manifest <current_group.txt> on current node.
  • Gather artifacts from dev/tests/acceptance/tests/_output from current node to main node.

Rerun options

In either single or parallel execution, to re-run failed tests, simply add the run:failed command after executing a manifest:

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vendor/bin/mftf run:failed

Generate Allure report

In the main node, generate reports using your <path_to_results> into a desired output path:

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allure generate <path_to_results> -c -o <path_to_output>