CLI commands: vendor/bin/codecept

Usage examples

Run all the generated tests:

Copied to your clipboard
vendor/bin/codecept run functional -c dev/tests/acceptance/codeception.yml

Run all tests without the <group value="skip"/> annotation:

Copied to your clipboard
vendor/bin/codecept run functional --skip-group skip -c dev/tests/acceptance/codeception.yml

Run all tests with the <group value="example"/> annotation but with no <group value="skip"/>:

Copied to your clipboard
vendor/bin/codecept run functional --group example --skip-group skip -c dev/tests/acceptance/codeception.yml

codecept run

codecept run runs the test suites:

Copied to your clipboard
vendor/bin/codecept run
Copied to your clipboard
Full reference:
suite suite to be tested
test test to be run
-o, --override=OVERRIDE Override config values (multiple values allowed)
-e, --ext=EXT Run with extension enabled (multiple values allowed)
--report Show output in compact style
--html[=HTML] Generate html with results [default: "report.html"]
--xml[=XML] Generate JUnit XML Log [default: "report.xml"]
--phpunit-xml[=PHPUNIT-XML] Generate PhpUnit XML Log [default: "phpunit-report.xml"]
--tap[=TAP] Generate Tap Log [default: "report.tap.log"]
--json[=JSON] Generate Json Log [default: "report.json"]
--colors Use colors in output
--no-colors Force no colors in output (useful to override config file)
--silent Only outputs suite names and final results
--steps Show steps in output
-d, --debug Show debug and scenario output
--bootstrap[=BOOTSTRAP] Execute custom PHP script before running tests. Path can be absolute or relative to current working directory [default: false]
--no-redirect Do not redirect to Composer-installed version in vendor/codeception
--coverage[=COVERAGE] Run with code coverage
--coverage-html[=COVERAGE-HTML] Generate CodeCoverage HTML report in path
--coverage-xml[=COVERAGE-XML] Generate CodeCoverage XML report in file
--coverage-text[=COVERAGE-TEXT] Generate CodeCoverage text report in file
--coverage-crap4j[=COVERAGE-CRAP4J] Generate CodeCoverage report in Crap4J XML format
--coverage-phpunit[=COVERAGE-PHPUNIT] Generate CodeCoverage PHPUnit report in path
--no-exit Don't finish with exit code
-g, --group=GROUP Groups of tests to be executed (multiple values allowed)
-s, --skip=SKIP Skip selected suites (multiple values allowed)
-x, --skip-group=SKIP-GROUP Skip selected groups (multiple values allowed)
--env=ENV Run tests in selected environments. (multiple values allowed)
-f, --fail-fast Stop after first failure
--no-rebuild Do not rebuild actor classes on start
--seed=SEED Define random seed for shuffle setting
--no-artifacts Don't report about artifacts
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-c, --config[=CONFIG] Use custom path for config
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug