Annotation definition data structure

The annotation definition data structure is used to communicate an annotation's structure to the API.

  • name: The name of the annotation.
  • description: The annotation's description.
  • dateRange: The date range of the annotation.
  • color: An enum representing the annotation's color. Supported values include STANDARD1 through STANDARD9.
  • applyToAllReports: A boolean that determines if the annotation applies to all report suites.
  • scope: An object including the metrics and filters that the annotation uses.
  • createdDate: The date that the annotation was created.
  • modifiedDate: The date that the annotation was last modified.
  • modifiedById: The ID of the user who last modified the annotation.
  • tags: The tags applied to the annotation.
  • shares: The shares applied to the annotation.
  • approved: A boolean that determines if the annotation is approved by an admin.
  • favorite: A boolean that determines if the user has this annotation favorited (starred).
  • usageSummary: An object that shows where this annotation is used.
  • owner: An object showing the ID, name, and login of the user that created the annotation.
  • companyId: The login company ID of the annotation.
  • reportSuiteName: The report suite's friendly name.
  • rsid: The report suite ID.


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"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"dateRange": "string",
"color": "STANDARD1",
"applyToAllReports": true,
"scope": {
"metrics": [
"id": "string",
"componentType": "string"
"filters": [
"id": "string",
"operator": "string",
"dimensionType": "string",
"terms": [
"componentType": "string"
"createdDate": "YYYY-03-23T01:51:28.686Z",
"modifiedDate": "YYYY-03-23T01:51:28.686Z",
"modifiedById": "string",
"tags": [
"additionalProp1": {},
"additionalProp2": {},
"additionalProp3": {}
"shares": [
"additionalProp1": {},
"additionalProp2": {},
"additionalProp3": {}
"approved": true,
"favorite": true,
"usageSummary": {
"additionalProp1": {},
"additionalProp2": {},
"additionalProp3": {}
"owner": {
"id": 0,
"imsUserId": "string"
"companyId": 0,
"reportSuiteName": "string",
"rsid": "string"