Date ranges API FAQ

Frequently asked questions around the date ranges endpoint.

What are some best practices that I can follow around the date ranges endpoint?

  • Make multiple requests, each one limited to 1000 date ranges or fewer when retrieving them. Avoid making a large, single request for all possible date ranges.
  • Request data once and cache it.
  • Avoid creating duplicate date ranges with the same definition. Creating too many date ranges can affect API performance for your company.
  • Creating a date range from scratch can be difficult without familiarity of the definition specifications. Use the debugger inside Analysis Workspace to learn how Adobe formats API calls. You can then retrieve the date range definition using the API, modify it, then send a POST call with the modified definition.

What is the difference between a predefined date range and a date range that I create?

Adobe provides predefined date range templates. Although original templates cannot be modified or deleted, you can create copies of them to modify. Predefined templates have the attribute template: true. You can use these date range templates in Workspace projects like any other type of date range.

How do I refresh my authentication token?

To refresh authentication tokens, see the Authentication Guide.