Use cURL with the Analytics 2.0 API

To obtain Oauth authentication using cURL:

  1. Get an auth code.
  2. Generate an access token.
  3. Test your access token.

Get an auth code

Use the following model as a cURL request for an auth code:{CLIENT ID}&redirect_uri={REDIRECT URI}&scope=openid,AdobeID,read_organizations,additional_info.job_function,additional_info.projectedProductContext&response_type=code

To get an auth code:

  1. Copy the Client ID from your OAuth client and paste it into the {CLIENT ID} placeholder in the URI above.
  2. Replace {REDIRECT URI} with the redirect URI you specified when creating the client.
  3. Paste the complete URI into your favorite browser.
  4. After authenticating via IMS, copy the auth code query parameter in the URI (the parameter begins with code=eyJ4...).

Generate an access token

Use the following model to generate an access token:

Copied to your clipboard
curl --data "grant_type=authorization_code&client_id={CLIENT ID}&client_secret={CLIENT SECRET}&code={AUTH CODE QUERY PARAMETER}"

To generate an access token:

  1. Replace {AUTH CODE QUERY PARAMETER} with the auth code you copied from the previous step in the above cURL request.

  2. Replace {CLIENT ID} in the above request with the Client ID from your Oauth client.

  3. Replace {CLIENT SECRET} in the above request with the Client Secret from your Oauth client.

  4. Run the cURL command. The response includes an access_token attribute, as shown below:

    Copied to your clipboard
    "account_type": "type1",
    "utcOffset": "null",
    "preferred_languages": [
    "projectedProductContext": [
    "prodCtx": {
    "serviceCode": "dma_analytics",
    "global_company_id": "testco0",
    "login_company": "Test Company",
    "displayName": "James Ross",
    "last_name": "Ross",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "userId": "JAMESROSS@AdobeID",
    "access_token": "eyJ4...TOKEN_OMITTED",
    "refresh_token": "eyJ4...TOKEN_OMITTED",
    "emailVerified": "true",
    "phoneNumber": null,
    "countryCode": "US",
    "name": "Bob Ross",
    "mrktPerm": "EMAIL:false",
    "mrktPermEmail": "false",
    "expires_in": 86399988,
    "first_name": "James",
    "email": "",

    Note: If you have access to numerous product profiles, the response can be very large. If it is so large that the access_token is truncated from the response, you can write it to a file in order to find your access token. To write the response to a file, add >> output.json to the end of your cURL request. The response is then written to a file named output.json.

  5. Copy the access token to test it in the following section.

Test your access token by calling the Analytics APIs

To test your access token:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" --header "x-api-key: {CLIENT ID}" --header "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}" ""
  1. Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with the access token you copied from the previous step into the above cURL request.

  2. Replace {CLIENT ID} in the above request with the client ID from your Oauth client.

  3. Run the cURL command. The following JSON shows an example response:

    Copied to your clipboard
    "imsUserId": "1B..OMITTED..01@AdobeID",
    "imsOrgs": [
    "imsOrgId": "EA..OMITTED..29@AdobeOrg",
    "companies": [
    "globalCompanyId": "testco0",
    "companyName": "Test Company",
    "apiRateLimitPolicy": "aa_api_tier10_tp"
    "globalCompanyId": "anothe0",
    "companyName": "Another Test Company",
    "apiRateLimitPolicy": "aa_api_tier10_tp"
  4. Use the globalCompanyId value in your response (in the above example, it is shown as testco0) to test the GET /users/me endpoint. To do this, replace the {COMPANY_ID} parameters in the following request with their corresponding values.

    Copied to your clipboard
    curl -X GET "{GLOBAL_COMPANY_ID}/users/me" \
    -H "x-api-key: {CLIENTID}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESSTOKEN}"
  5. Replace {ACCESSTOKEN} and {CLIENTID} in the above request with their respective values.

  6. Run the cURL command. The response includes information about the analytics user.

Use your access token, global company id and client ID to make calls to the APIs. You can use the API reference as an easy way to explore calling the Analytics APIs.