Webpack Configuration


App Builder bundles Runtime action code using Webpack. Users can specify a Webpack configuration for an individual action, a set of actions, or an entire project. See here for Webpack configuration options.

Configuration File

When Runtime action code is bundled during aio app build|run|deploy the action directory is searched for a webpack config file named *webpack-config.js. The search is done first in the directory of the action being built, then the parent directory, up to the project root.

If you want to specify a Webpack configuration for a single action, place the *webpack-config.js file in the action folder.

If you want to specify a Webpack configuration for a set of actions, place the *webpack-config.js file in the parent directory of your action folders.

If you want to specify a Webpack configuration for an entire project, place the *webpack-config.js file in the root directory of your project.

ES Module Syntax

App Builder currently does not support ES Module syntax. This file must be written in CommonJS otherwise failures will occur at build time.

Configuration Types

App Builder supports exporting the following configuration types in *webpack-config.js.


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module.exports = {
mode: 'development'

Function that returns an object

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module.exports = (env) => ({
mode: 'development'

Function that returns an array of objects

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module.exports = (env) => ([
mode: 'development'
mode: 'production'

Async function that returns an object

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module.exports = async (env) => ({
mode: 'development'

Async function that returns an array of objects

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module.exports = async (env) => ([
mode: 'development'
mode: 'production'

Array of objects

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module.exports = [
mode: 'development'
mode: 'production'

Array of functions that return objects

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module.exports = [
(env) => ({
mode: 'development'
(env) => ({
mode: 'production'

Array of async functions that return objects

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module.exports = [
async (env) => ({
mode: 'development'
async (env) => ({
mode: 'production'



Assuming config contains your Webpack configuration:

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mode: config.mode || 'production',
optimization: {
minimize: config.optimization.minimize || false
output: {
libraryTarget: config.output.libraryTarget || 'commonjs2',
path: './dist/${actionPath}/${actionName}-temp/' // Cannot change
fileName: `${output.path}/index.js` // Cannot change
target: 'node' // Cannot change
entry: [
'<path to the action>',
resolve: {
extensions: [
mainFields: [
plugins: [
new DefaultPlugin({
`process.env.AIO_CLI_ENV`: ${cliEnv}
// ... All other Webpack configuration options are valid

Base Options

App Builder starts off with the following Webpack configuration options, any additional values will be added on for these fields:

  • entry - Will always contain the path to the action, additional paths identified in your configuration file will be added on.
  • resolve.extensions - Will always contain .js and .json, additional extensions identified in your configuration file will be added on.
  • resolve.mainFields - Will always contain main, additional main fields identified in your configuration file will be added on.


App Builder defaults to the following Webpack configuration options if they are not present in your configuration file:

  • output.libraryTarget - Will default to commonjs2.
  • mode - Will default to production.
  • optimization.minimize - Will default to false.

Immutable Options

App Builder does not allow changing of the following Webpack configuration options. These fields will be ignored if present in your configuration file:

  • target - This must be node. I/O Runtime only supports Node.js as a runtime.
  • output.path - Will always be ./dist/${actionPath}/${actionName}-temp/.
  • output.filename - Will always be ${output.path}/index.js.
    • Note: If supplying multiple configurations, this is true for the first configuration. For all subsequent configurations, it will be ${output.path}/index.[hashname].js.

Environment Variables

If you have chosen to export a function, an async function, or an array of functions from your Webpack configuration file, App Builder will pass the environment to these functions. You can use this, for instance, to make decisions about bundling based on the environment.

Example: If you exported an environment variable called FEATURE_FLAG_PIRATES_BOUNTY before building your application, you can use this in your Webpack configuration file:

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module.exports = (env) => ({
mode: env.FEATURE_FLAG_PIRATES_BOUNTY ? 'production' : 'development'