Migration Guide - Standalone Application to DX Experience Cloud SPA v1


In this guide, you will learn one of the ways to migrate an App Builder application that was originally initialized as a Standalone Application to a DX Experience Cloud SPA v1. It is possible to accomplish this by only modifying the configuration of the project, but following this guide will allow your application to closely mirror that of an application that is generated when you initialize an App Builder application as DX Experience Cloud SPA v1.

Who is This Migration Guide For?

If you are having trouble viewing your application in Adobe Experience Cloud, you may have initialized your application as a Standalone Application, and this guide may help you.

Applications built with App Builder can only be accessed via the App Builder Catalog in Adobe Experience Cloud if they have been initialized as DX Experience Cloud SPA v1.

How can I tell if my project is a Standalone Application?

Your application will not have the App Builder ExcShell sub-heading in Adobe Exchange.

Standalone Application

Standalone Application

DX Experience Cloud SPA v1

DX Experience Cloud SPA v1

Understanding the Difference

See this guide to better understand the difference between a Standalone Application and a DX Experience Cloud SPA v1. This guide also provides an overview of the directory structure for a DX Experience Cloud SPA v1 application (Under New File Structure) and a deeper dive into extension point configuration.

Migration Steps

  1. Modify local directory
    1. Create a new src/dx-excshell-1 folder
    2. Move web-src, test, e2e, actions under src/dx-excshell-1
  2. Add extension configuration
    1. Create src/dx-excshell-1/ext.config.yaml
    2. Copy the contents of app.config.yaml to src/dx-excshell-1/ext.config.yaml
    3. Delete the application tag in src/dx-excshell-1/ext.config.yaml
    4. Shift contents of src/dx-excshell-1/ext.config.yaml left one tab space
    5. Add an operations tag at the top of src/dx-excshell-1/ext.config.yaml with the following contents:
      Copied to your clipboard
      - type: web
      impl: index.html
    6. Replace the contents of app.config.yaml with the following:
      Copied to your clipboard
      $include: src/dx-excshell-1/ext.config.yaml
  3. Revoke the application (Optional: Only if application is published)
    1. If admin
      1. Navigate to Adobe Exchange
      2. Select Manage in the top toolbar
      3. Select Approved Apps in the top sub toolbar
      4. Find your application in the list, click Revoke
      5. Click Revoke
    2. If not admin
      1. Ping admin to revoke
      2. Wait for admin to revoke
  4. Re-initialize application
    1. Run aio app init
      1. Select your organization
      2. Select your project
      3. Select All Templates
      4. Select the @adobe/generator-app-excshell template
      5. Overwrite package.json
      6. Overwrite .env
  5. Deploy your application
    1. Run aio app deploy
  6. Submit application for approval
    1. Navigate to the Adobe Developer Console
    2. Select your project
    3. Select the Production workspace
    4. Find and click Submit for Approval
    5. Fill out the relevant submission details
    6. Find and click Submit
  7. Approve application
    1. If admin
      1. Navigate to Adobe Exchange
      2. Select Manage in the top toolbar
      3. Select Apps Pending Review in the top sub toolbar
      4. Find your application in the list, click Review
        1. Note: Application should have App Builder ExcShell sub-heading
      5. Fill in approval notes, click Approve
    2. If not admin
      1. Ping admin for approval
      2. Wait for approval
  8. Done, your application should now be in the App Builder Catalog in Adobe Experience Cloud