Lesson 2: Writing a Serverless Action

There are many npm packages available for displaying barcodea, but some don't play well in serverless environments. For this Code Lab, we'll use bwip-js to render a code128 barcode.

Barcode action

First, install the dependency with:

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npm i bwip-js --save

Then import the dependency into your action:

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const bwipjs = require('bwip-js');

Now we can use the library and generate a barcode buffer in the exported main function:

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const buffer = await bwipjs.toBuffer({
bcid: 'code128',
text: params.value,
scale: 3,
height: 10,
includetext: false,

Notice that we defined a value parameter to be passed to the barcode generator configuration. This is the actual data the barcode will encode.

Then we can return the image representation of the buffer with:

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return {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'image/png' },
statusCode: 200,
body: buffer.toString('base64')

Finally we can add checks to verify the requested value parameter, logging, and appropriate error handling to obtain this action:

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const { Core } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk');
const { errorResponse, stringParameters, checkMissingRequestInputs } = require('../utils');
const bwipjs = require('bwip-js');
// main function that will be executed by Adobe I/O Runtime
async function main (params) {
// create a Logger
const logger = Core.Logger('main', { level: params.LOG_LEVEL || 'info' });
try {
// 'info' is the default level if not set
logger.info('Calling the main action');
// log parameters, only if params.LOG_LEVEL === 'debug'
// check for missing request input parameters and headers
const requiredParams = ['value'];
const errorMessage = checkMissingRequestInputs(params, requiredParams);
if (errorMessage) {
// return and log client errors
return errorResponse(400, errorMessage, logger);
const buffer = await bwipjs.toBuffer({
bcid: 'code128',
text: params.value,
scale: 3,
height: 10,
includetext: false,
backgroundcolor: 'ffffff'
return {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'image/png' },
statusCode: 200,
body: buffer.toString('base64')
} catch (error) {
// log any server errors
// return with 500
return errorResponse(500, error.message, logger);
exports.main = main;

You can run the action locally using the CLI with:

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aio app run --local

This will:

  1. Start a local OpenWhisk stack on Docker.
  2. Package and deploy the Runtime action and its dependencies using a built-in webpack configuration.
  3. Start a local development environment and provide the action url e.g. http://localhost:3233/api/v1/web/guest/my-barcode-app-0.0.1/barcode for testing and debugging.

We'll discuss how to debug an App Builder app in a later Code Lab.

Nowadd the value parameter, e.g. ?value=test, to the url so the action will generate a barcode:



You can deploy an App Builder Headless app with aio app run or aio app deploy. Either will deploy the actions to Adobe I/O Runtime. aio app deploy would have deployed the UI to a CDN, but since we don't have a UI that step is ignored. A separate Code Lab will show how to build an App Builder App with UI.

Make sure to set your Adobe I/O Runtime secrets (namespace and auth) in the .env file. Turn off the built-in authentication by setting require-adobe-auth: false in the manifest.yml.
The security topic will be covered in a separate Code Lab.

Hitting deploy with the CLI will output the deployed action url:


Congratulations! Your first App Builder Headless App is live.

We can test whether the passed value is correctly rendered as a barcode using one of the many barcode readers available.