Build a Customer Profiles Dashboard with App Builder

This Code Lab will guide you through creating a dashboard of customer profiles from Adobe Campaign Standard using App Builder.

App Builder is a complete framework that enables enterprise Developers to build and deploy custom web applications that extend Adobe Experience Cloud solutions and run on Adobe infrastructure. It uses modern technologies (JAM stack, serverless computing, Node, and React) and ensures best practices when building applications (event-driven architecture, microservices, continuous integration, and delivery).

Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS) provides a platform for designing and executing digital marketing campaigns and provides an environment for visual campaign orchestration

Campaign Standard APIs are aimed at letting you create integrations for Adobe Campaign Standard and build your own ecosystem by interfacing Adobe Campaign Standard with the panel of technologies that you use

In this lab, you will learn how to:

  • Build a simple web app listing customer profiles
  • Enable a custom workflow for sending personalized email promotions through Campaign Standard API

For your convenience, we provide a complete solution of this codelab at AdobeDocs/adobeio-samples-customers-dashboard.

Stephan RingelTim KimShazron AbdullahPatrick Mulvanny / Reddbugduynguyen
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