Lesson 1: Create an Event Provider using App Builder

In this lesson, we will do the follow steps:

  • Create an event provider using App Builder template
  • Register the App as event provider
  • Fire Events
  • Scheduling cron jobs with alarms

Create an event provider using App Builder template

In this codelab, to provide an end to end solution, we need to have an event provider generating tons of events sending to journaling API, and the events provider need to be configurable to send x events/min to help user to test. so we choose to use OpenWhisk Alarms Package in App Builder application to create cron jobs.

First, let's create a new App Builder App from template by follow the below codelab: here please make sure you add I/O management API in console and choose publish-event in the cli template.

Register the App as Event Provider

Now we use cli to register the app as event provider, we need to install the Adobe I/O event cli plugin, simply run below:

Copied to your clipboard
npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-events

and then follow below codelab step by step: here

Fire Events and set up consume Events

Now we can set up fire event by follow this and make sure that you choose journaling API as the way to consume events by follow this

Scheduling cron jobs with alarms

Follow this codelab to automatically fire event by using runtime alarms package Scheduling Cron Jobs with Alarms

Your app.config.yaml should look like this as below.

Copied to your clipboard
actions: actions
web: web-src
license: Apache-2.0
function: actions/generic/index.js
web: 'yes'
runtime: 'nodejs:14'
LOG_LEVEL: debug
require-adobe-auth: true
final: true
function: actions/publish-events/index.js
web: 'yes'
runtime: 'nodejs:14'
LOG_LEVEL: debug
providerId: $PROVIDER_ID
eventCode: $EVENT_CODE
client_id: $CLIENT_ID
client_secret: $CLIENT_SECRET
technical_account_email: $TECH_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
technical_account_id: $TECH_ACCOUNT_ID
ims_org_id: $IMS_ORG_ID
private_key: $PRIVATE_KEY
final: true
feed: /whisk.system/alarms/interval
minutes: 1
trigger: everyMin
action: publish-events

In order to test the action, you could execute aio app deploy in the VSCode terminal. Once the deployment is finished, run aio rt action invoke your-app-name/generic, and then verify its result and logs using aio rt activation get ID and aio rt activation logs ID

If successful, the event provider should automatically send the events, you should be able to use postman or curl to verify the journaling API to receive events.