I/O Events handler

Demonstrating how to write an event handler for webhook calls. This action is expose as a web action, you can use its URL to register as a webhook for I/O Events.

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* Demonstrating how to write an event handler for webhook calls
* This action is expose as a web action, you can use its URL to register as a webhook for I/O Events
const { Core } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const { errorResponse, stringParameters, checkMissingRequestInputs } = require('../utils')
// Set up an Incoming Webhooks for your team: https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks
// Then update the following variables with your slack config values
const slackWebhook = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/AAA/BBB/CCC'
const slackChannel = 'general'
// main function that will be executed by Adobe I/O Runtime
async function main (params) {
// create a Logger
const logger = Core.Logger('main', { level: params.LOG_LEVEL || 'info' })
try {
// 'info' is the default level if not set
logger.info('Calling the main action')
// log parameters, only if params.LOG_LEVEL === 'debug'
if (params.challenge) {
return { body: { challenge: params.challenge } }
// check for missing request input parameters and headers
const requiredParams = ['event']
const requiredHeaders = []
const errorMessage = checkMissingRequestInputs(params, requiredParams, requiredHeaders)
if (errorMessage) {
// return and log client errors
return errorResponse(400, errorMessage, logger)
// NOTE: please customize the following lines based on the event object data type you receive from I/O Events
const eventDetail = params.event['activitystreams:object']
const slackMessage = params.event['@type'] + " Event for: " + eventDetail['xdmAsset:asset_name'] + " at " + eventDetail['xdmAsset:path']
const payload = {
channel: slackChannel,
username: 'incoming-webhook',
text: slackMessage,
mrkdwn: true
var slackOpts = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(payload)
await fetch(slackWebhook, slackOpts)
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: { message: 'posted to slack' }
// log the response status code
logger.info(`${response.statusCode}: successful request`)
return response
} catch (error) {
// log any server errors
// return with 500
return errorResponse(500, 'server error', logger)
exports.main = main