Lesson 2: Setup Runtime actions

In this lesson, we'll setup the Runtime actions to handle the CRUD operations. The app we're building can handle multiple todo lists and each todo list can have several todo items.

Global configuration file

To avoid long todo lists, we'll define a MAX_TODO_ITEMS value within a global configuration file that we will import from the actions folder but also from the web-src folder. We'll create the file at the root of the App Builder App and name it defaults.json.

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Then we're going to import the value in our action todolist/index.js:

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const { MAX_TODO_ITEMS } = require('../../defaults.json');

In the next lesson, we'll also show how to import the value from the web-src folder.

Install aio-lib-state

We'll be using aio-lib-state to store the todo items. So first we're going to install the dependency with:

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npm i --save @adobe/aio-lib-state

Then we're going to import it as well:

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const stateLib = require('@adobe/aio-lib-state');

Main function

We'll setup the CRUD operations inside the main function.


First, we'll define an operation parameter and make it required:

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const requiredParams = ['operation'];

The operation parameter can take 4 possible values:

  • create to create an empty todo list
  • read to read a todo list
  • update to update a todo list with a todo item
  • delete to delete a todo list

We'll also use additional optional parameters:

  • name to identify a list
  • todo to identify a todo inside a list
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const { operation, name, todo } = params;

CRUD operations

Next, we'll initialize the state library and retrieve a todolist value with state.get().

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const state = await stateLib.init();
let todoList = await state.get(`todolist`);
if (todoList?.value) {
todoList = todoList.value;
else {
todoList = [];

The todolist will hold all todo lists objects and is an empty array by default.

Finally, we'll define which operation to perform based on the value of operation and return the response.

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let body = {};
switch (operation) {
case 'create':
// Find the todo list by name
if (!todoList.find(({ name: todoListName }) => todoListName === name)) {
// If none found, create an empty list with the given name
todos: []
// Store the new list in the state storage with no expiry time
await state.put(`todolist`, todoList, { ttl: -1 });
body.message = `"${name}" added.`;
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `"${name}" already exists.`, logger);
case 'read':
// Simply return the todo lists
body.todoList = todoList;
case 'update':
if (todo) {
// Find the todo list by name
const foundTodoList = todoList.find(({ name: todoListName }) => todoListName === name);
if (foundTodoList) {
// Find the todo item by id
const todoIndex = foundTodoList.todos.findIndex(({ id }) => id === todo.id);
if (todoIndex !== -1) {
// Update the todo item
foundTodoList.todos[todoIndex] = todo;
body.message = `Todo "${todo.id}" updated in "${name}".`;
await state.put(`todolist`, todoList, { ttl: -1 });
} else {
// Create a new todo item
if (foundTodoList.todos.length < MAX_TODO_ITEMS) {
body.message = `Todo "${todo.id}" added to "${name}".`;
await state.put(`todolist`, todoList, { ttl: -1 });
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `Max ${MAX_TODO_ITEMS} todos reached for "${name}".`, logger);
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `${name} not found.`, logger);
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `Todo is missing.`, logger);
case 'delete':
// Filter out the todo list to delete by name
const updatedTodoList = todoList.filter(({ name: todoListName }) => todoListName !== name);
await state.put(`todolist`, updatedTodoList, { ttl: -1 });
body.message = `"${name}" todo list deleted.`;
return errorResponse(400, 'CRUD operation not found', logger);
return {
statusCode: 200,

For every operation except read, we are using the state.put() function to update the todolist value. Additionally, we set the time to live option to -1 so that the value of todolist won't expire.

See the full action code here.