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Project Definition Data Structure

The project definition data structure is used to communicate project rules to the API. This data structure defines the raw logic that is used to layout a workspace project. The project definition is a hierarchical data structure of workspaces, panels, and other properties that are used to define the project. Workspace in the CJA UI defines these rules and can be a useful tool for creating and understanding how projects are structured.


The following example is a very simple report to show all visits noted under a specific report suite for the last month. As you can see, even though it's a very simple report, the definition is very large. It is suggested that creating Workspace Projects be done in the CJA UI, and the /projects endpoints be used to update or copy projects in simple ways.

If creating a project through the API is required, make sure to utilize the /projects/validate endpoint, as described in the Projects Guide.

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"definition": {
"additionalCuratedComponents": [],
"colorScheme": {
"id": "default",
"label": "",
"value": [
"countRepeatInstances": true,
"currentWorkspaceIndex": 0,
"customColorSchemes": [],
"isCurated": false,
"version": "31",
"viewDensity": "expanded",
"workspaces": [
"id": "3B1FE317-C72A-4983-ABF1-D3BD14A8D511",
"name": "",
"panels": [
"annotations": [],
"collapsed": false,
"dateRange": {
"id": "thisMonth",
"__entity__": true,
"type": "DateRange",
"__metaData__": {
"name": "This month"
"description": "",
"id": "C0DACAE8-CCE1-4332-9496-ABDBE80C9C23",
"name": "Freeform",
"position": {
"autoHeight": 374,
"autoSize": true,
"width": 100,
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"reportSuite": {
"id": "dv_000000000000000000",
"__entity__": true,
"type": "ReportSuite",
"__metaData__": {
"name": "dv name",
"rsid": "dv_000000000000000000"
"segmentGroups": [],
"subPanels": [
"collapsed": false,
"description": "",
"id": "F2AAAA88-E63E-4AB6-9090-3612F378B9F0",
"isQuickInsightsSubPanel": false,
"linkedSourceId": "",
"position": {
"autoHeight": 222,
"autoSize": true,
"width": 100,
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"reportlet": {
"advancedMode": false,
"advancedSettings": {
"rows": [],
"tableState": "builder"
"columnTree": {
"_computedValues": [],
"dataSettings": {
"advancedItemLimit": 5,
"advancedItemSearch": {
"operator": "AND",
"rules": []
"id": "f46df4-2",
"name": "",
"nodes": [
"_computedValues": [],
"component": {
"id": "All_Visits",
"__entity__": true,
"type": "Segment",
"__metaData__": {
"name": "All Visits"
"dataSettings": {
"advancedItemLimit": 5,
"advancedItemSearch": {
"operator": "AND",
"rules": []
"id": "f46df4-4",
"name": "All Visits",
"nodes": [],
"selectionCoordinates": [],
"tableCellDisplay": {
"conditionalFormattingOpts": {
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"usePercentLimits": false
"location": "behindNumber",
"type": {
"anomaly": true,
"background": true,
"backgroundType": "bar",
"comparison": "none",
"interpretZeroAsNoValue": false,
"number": true,
"percent": true,
"showGrandTotal": true,
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"showTotals": true,
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"tableCellDisplay": {
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"number": true,
"percent": true,
"showGrandTotal": true,
"showSparklines": true,
"showTotals": true,
"wrapHeaderText": true
"freeformTable": {
"alignDatesForTimeDimension": true,
"attributionSettings": [],
"breakdowns": [],
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"columnWidths": [
"pagination": {
"currentPage": 0,
"viewBy": 50
"search": {
"operator": "AND",
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"settings": {
"breakdownByPosition": false,
"rowBasedPercentages": false,
"totalsType": "columnSum"
"sort": {
"asc": false,
"columnId": "f46df4-4",
"labelColumn": false
"staticRows": [
"component": {
"id": "metrics/visits",
"__entity__": true,
"type": "Metric",
"__metaData__": {
"name": "Visits"
"dataSettings": {
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"advancedItemSearch": {
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"rules": []
"id": "f46df4-a"
"statistics": {
"functions": [],
"ignoreZeros": true
"isConfigVisible": true,
"type": "FreeformReportlet"
"swatchColor": "#00C0C7",
"type": "genericSubPanel",
"visible": true,
"visualizationIndex": 1
"type": "panel"
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