Adobe Analytics

Configure the Analytics extension in the Data Collection UI

  1. In the Data Collection UI, select the Extensions tab.
  2. On the Catalog tab, locate the Adobe Analytics extension, and select Install.
  3. Type the extension settings. For more information, please read the configure the Analytics Extension section.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Follow the publishing process to update SDK configuration.

Workflow overview for the Data Collection UI, the Mobile SDK, and Adobe Analytics

Configure the Analytics extension

Adobe Analytics Extension Configuration

Analytics company

Adobe Analytics Company

If you have access to more than one Analytics company, a select menu will appear, allowing you to choose which company you want to use. If you only have access to one Analytics company, this select menu will not appear.

Once you select an Analytics company, the list of report suites associated with that company will appear in the report suites section.

Report suites

Select one or more mobile-enabled report suite identifiers from the combo box to which the Analytics data should be sent. Only report suite identifiers that belong to a company and that are enabled for mobile can be selected. For information on how to enable mobile for your report suite, see the mobile management documentation.

To narrow the search for a report suite identifier, type a string in the combo box text field. After a valid report suite identifier has been selected, this identifier appears in a tag below the combo box. To remove a report suite ID, click on the X next to the ID you want to remove. Report suite IDs can also be configured for the Development and Staging environments.

Tracking server

The tracking server is the tracking domain that all the Analytics requests should be made.

Offline enabled

When the Offline Enabled checkbox is selected, Analytics hits are queued when your device is offline and are sent later when your device is back online. To use offline tracking, ensure that your report suite is timestamp enabled.

Audience Manager forwarding

If you set up Analytics server-side forwarding to Audience Manager in your Analytics report suite, select the Audience Manager Forwarding checkbox. When this checkbox is selected, all SDK requests to Analytics servers are sent with an expected response code of 10. This step ensures that client-side Analytics response traffic is forwarded to the Audience Manager SDK so that the User Profile is correctly updated.

Backdate previous session info

When you select this checkbox, the SDK backdates the end-of-session lifecycle information so that this information can be attributed into its correct session. Session information currently consists of crashes and session length.

The SDK also backdates the session information hit to one second after the last hit of the previous session. This means that crashes and session data will correlate with the correct date on which they occurred. One hit is backdated each time a new launch of the application is occurs.

For example, if you select the checkbox, Lifecycle session information or crash events are backdated to one second after the last hit was sent. If you do not select the checkbox, Lifecycle data is attached to the first hit of the subsequent session.

If this option is disabled, Mobile SDK attaches the session information to the current lifecycle.

Batch limit

This setting creates a threshold number of hits to be sent in consecutive calls. For example, if you type or select "10", each Analytics hit before the 10th hit is stored in the queue. When the 10th hit comes in, all 10 hits are sent to Analytics in the order in which they were generated.

The default value for this setting is 0, which means that hit batching is disabled, and all hits are immediately sent to Analytics as they are generated.

Launch hit delay

The number of seconds to wait before Analytics launch hits are sent from the SDK.

Add Analytics to your application


  1. Add the Mobile Core and Analytics extensions to your project using the app's Gradle file.
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implementation ''
implementation ''
  1. Import the Analytics extension in your application's main activity.
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Register Analytics with Mobile Core


The following sample shows how to set up methods that call the setApplication() method in the onCreate() method:

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public class MobileApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
try {
Analytics.registerExtension(); //Register Analytics with Mobile Core
} catch (Exception e) {
//Log the exception

Analytics depends on the Identity extension and is automatically included in Core by Maven. When manually installing the Analytics extension, ensure that you add the identity-1.x.x.aar library to your project.

Send Lifecycle metrics to Analytics

To automatically report on the application lifecycle details in Analytics, ensure that you properly configure the lifecycle data collection. For more information, see the documentation on Lifecycle metrics.

Send app states and actions to Analytics

To track mobile app states and actions in Adobe Analytics, implement the trackAction and trackState APIs from the Mobile Core extension. For more information, see the track app actions and track app states tutorials.

Integrations with Adobe Experience Platform solutions and services

Analytics for Adobe Target (A4T)

To see the performance of your Target activities for some segments, you can set up the Analytics extension for Target (A4T) cross-solution integration by enabling the A4T campaigns. This integration allows you to use Analytics reports to examine your results. If you use Analytics as the reporting source for an activity, all reporting and segmentation for that activity is based on Analytics data collection. For more information, see Target.

Server-side forwarding with Audience Manager

To enable server-side forwarding to share Analytics data with Audience Manager, see the documentation on Server-side Forwarding to enable server-side forwarding at the report suite level.

To enable client-side forwarding to share Analytics data with Audience Manager within the SDK, in the Data Collection UI, select the Audience Manager Forwarding checkbox. For more information, go to Audience Manager.

Audio and video analytics

For more information about collecting audio and video analytics, please read the documentation on Media Analytics for audio and video.

Event serialization

Event serialization is not supported by processing rules. To set serialized events directly on the hits sent to Analytics, use the following syntax in context data parameters:



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cdata.put("&&events", "event1:12341234");


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//create a context data dictionary
HashMap cdata = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// add events
cdata.put("&&events", "event1:12341234");
// send a tracking call - use either a trackAction or TrackState call.
// trackAction example:
MobileCore.trackAction("Action Name", cdata);
// trackState example:
MobileCore.trackState("State Name", cdata);

The linked video shows you how to use trackState APIs to send data to Adobe Analytics.

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