Adobe Campaign Classic

Configure Campaign Classic extension in the Data Collection UI

  1. In the Data Collection UI, select the Extensions tab.

  2. On the Catalog tab, locate the Adobe Campaign Classic extension, and select Install.

  3. Type in the settings for your extension.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Complete the publishing process to update the SDK configuration.

    For more information about publishing, see the publishing overview.

Configure Campaign Classic extension

Configuring the Campaign Classic extension

Registration endpoints

Type the registration endpoint URL(s) for your Campaign Classic instances. You can specify up to three unique endpoints for your development, staging, and production environments.

Tracking endpoints

Type the tracking endpoint URL(s) for your Campaign Classic instances. Like the registration URLs, you can specify up to three unique endpoints for your development, staging, and production environments.

Integration key (iOS)

You can specify up to three unique iOS integration keys for your development, staging, and production environments. iOS integration keys are generated after creating a service that contains iOS applications using the Campaign Classic client console. For more information on where to find the integration key, see the tutorial on configuring the mobile application in Adobe Campaign.

Integration key (Android)

You can specify up to three unique Android integration keys for your development, staging, and production environments. Android integration keys are generated after creating a service that contains Android applications using the Campaign Classic client console. For more information on where to find the integration key, see the tutorial on configuring the mobile application in Adobe Campaign.

Request timeout

The request timeout is the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the registration or tracking endpoint before timing out. The SDK default timeout value is 30 seconds.

Add Campaign Classic to your app


  1. Add the Campaign Classic extension to your project using the app's Gradle file.
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implementation ''

or you can manually include the binaries found in the acp-sdks repo on GitHub.

  1. Import the Campaign Classic and Lifecycle extensions in your application's main activity.
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Register Campaign Classic with Mobile Core

In your app's OnCreate method, register the Campaign Classic and Lifecycle extensions:

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public class CampaignClassicTestApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("CampaignClassicTestApp", e.getMessage());
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