Deprecated Target APIs

The following Target APIs are deprecated APIs that are no longer supported on AEPTarget version 3.x and newer, and are only present in ACPTarget 2.x.

Using the prefetch APIs


Using the TargetPrefetch builder

The TargetPrefetch builder helps create a TargetPrefetch instance with the specified data. The returned instance can be used with prefetchContent, which accepts a TargetPrefetch object list to prefetch offers for the specified mbox locations.


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TargetPrefetch prefetchRequest = new TargetPrefetch.Builder("mboxName")
.setMboxParameters(new HashMap<String, String>())
.setOrderParameters(new HashMap<String, Object>())
.setProductParameters(new HashMap<String, String>())

Using prefetchContent

Sends a prefetch request to your configured Target server with the TargetPrefetch list and specified profileParameters. The callback is invoked when the prefetch is complete, which returns a success status for the prefetch request.


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public static void prefetchContent(final List<TargetPrefetch> targetPrefetchList,
final Map<String, Object> profileParameters,
final AdobeCallback<Boolean> callback);


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// first prefetch request
Map<String, Object> mboxParameters1 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters1.put("status", "platinum");
// second prefetch request
Map<String, Object> mboxParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters2.put("userType", "paid");
List<String> purchasedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, Object> orderParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
orderParameters2.put("id", "ADCKKIM");
orderParameters2.put("total", "344.30");
orderParameters2.put("purchasedProductIds", purchasedIds);
Map<String, Object> productParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
productParameters2.put("id", "24D3412");
TargetPrefetch prefetchRequest1 = new TargetPrefetch.Builder("mboxName1")
TargetPrefetch prefetchRequest2 = new TargetPrefetch.Builder("mboxName2")
List<TargetPrefetchObject> prefetchMboxesList = new ArrayList<>();
// Call the prefetchContent API.
Target.prefetchContent(prefetchMboxesList, profileParameters, prefetchStatusCallback);

Load Target requests

Sends a batch request to your configured Target server for multiple mbox locations that are specified.

When working with prefetch APIs, and switching to the new retrieveLocationContent API, if you do not use locationsDisplayed, reporting will not work.

TargetRequest Builder

TargetRequest builder helps create a TargetRequest instance. The returned instance can be used with loadRequests, which accepts a TargetRequest object list to retrieve offers for the specified mbox locations.


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TargetRequest request = new TargetRequest.Builder("mboxName","defaultContent")
.setMboxParameters(new HashMap<String, String>())
.setOrderParameters(new HashMap<String, Object>())
.setProductParameters(new HashMap<String, String>())
.setContentCallback(new AdobeCallback<String>() {
public void call(String value) {
// do something with target content.


Sends a batch request to your configured Target server for multiple mbox locations that are specified in the TargetRequest list. Each object in the array contains a callback function, which is invoked when content is available for its given mbox location.


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public static void loadRequests(final List<TargetRequest> requestArray,
final Map<String, Object> profileParameters);


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// define parameters for first request
Map<String, Object> mboxParameters1 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters1.put("status", "platinum");
// define parameters for second request
Map<String, Object> mboxParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters2.put("userType", "paid");
List<String> purchasedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, Object> orderParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
orderParameters2.put("id", "ADCKKIM");
orderParameters2.put("total", "344.30");
orderParameters2.put("purchasedProductIds", purchasedIds);
Map<String, Object> productParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
productParameters2.put("id", "24D3412");
TargetRequest request1 = new TargetRequest.Builder("mboxName1", "defaultContent1")
.setContentCallback(new AdobeCallback<String>() {
public void call(String value) {
// do something with target content.
TargetRequest request2 = new TargetRequest.Builder("mboxName2", "defaultContent2")
.setContentCallback(new AdobeCallback<String>() {
public void call(String value) {
// do something with target content.
// Creating Array of Request Objects
List<TargetRequest> locationRequests = new ArrayList<>();
// Define the profile parameters map.
Map<String, Object> profileParameters = new HashMap<>();
profileParameters.put("ageGroup", "20-32");
// Call the targetLoadRequests API.
Target.loadRequests(locationRequests, profileParameters);


Sends a click notification to the configured Target server for a prefetched or regular mbox location. The click metric should be enabled for the provided location name in Target.

If a notification is sent for a prefetched mbox, its contents should already have been requested with loadRequests, which indicates that the mbox was viewed.



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public static void locationClicked(final String mboxName,
final Map<String, String> mboxParameters
final Map<String, String> productParameters
final Map<String, Object> orderParameters
final Map<String, String> profileParameters);


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// Define Mbox parameters
Map<String, Object> mboxParameters = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters.put("membership", "prime");
// Define Product parameters
Map<String, Object> productParameters = new HashMap<>();
productParameters.put("id", "CEDFJC");
List<String> purchasedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
// Define Order parameters
Map<String, Object> orderParameters = new HashMap<>();
orderParameters.put("id", "NJJICK");
orderParameters.put("total", "650");
orderParameters.put("purchasedProductIds", purchasedIds);
// Creating Profile parameters
Map<String, Object> profileParameters = new HashMap<>();
profileParameters.put("ageGroup", "20-32");
Target.locationClicked("cartLocation", mboxParameters, productParameters, orderParameters, profileParameters);

Public classes


Using Builder to construct the TargetRequest Object has been deprecated. You should be using constructors instead.


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public class TargetRequest extends TargetObject {
* Builder used to construct a TargetRequest object.
public static class Builder {
private TargetRequest targetRequest;
* Create a TargetRequest Builder.
* @param mboxName String mbox name for this request
* @param defaultContent String default content for this request
public Builder(final String mboxName, final String defaultContent);
* Set mbox parameters for this request.
* @param mboxParameters Map<String, String> mbox parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setMboxParameters(final Map<String, String> mboxParameters);
* Set order parameters for this request.
* @param orderParameters Map<String, Object> order parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setOrderParameters(final Map<String, Object> orderParameters);
* Set profile parameters for this request.
* @param productParameters Map<String, String> product parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setProductParameters(final Map<String, String> productParameters);
* Set profile parameters for this request.
* @param profileParameters Map<String, String> profile parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setProfileParameters(final Map<String, Object> profileParameters);
* Set Target parameters for this request.
* @param targetParameters TargetParameters object
* @return this builder
public Builder setTargetParameters(final TargetParameters targetParameters);
* Set the callback function for this request.
* @param contentCallback AdobeCallback<String> which will get called with the returning content
* @return this builder
public Builder setContentCallback(final AdobeCallback<String> contentCallback);
* Build the TargetRequest.
* @return TargetRequest the target request object
public TargetRequest build();


Using Builder to construct the TargetPrefetch Object has been deprecated. You should be using constructors instead.


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public class TargetPrefetch extends TargetObject {
* Builder used to construct a TargetPrefetch object
public static class Builder {
private TargetPrefetch targetPrefetch;
* Create a TargetPrefetch Builder.
* @param mboxName String mbox name for this request
public Builder(final String mboxName);
* Set mbox parameters for this request.
* @param mboxParameters Map<String, String> mbox parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setMboxParameters(final Map<String, String> mboxParameters);
* Set order parameters for this request.
* @param orderParameters Map<String, String> order parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setOrderParameters(final Map<String, Object> orderParameters);
* Set product parameters for this request.
* @param productParameters Map<String, String> product parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setProductParameters(final Map<String, String> productParameters);
* Set profile parameters for this request.
* @param profileParameters Map<String, String> profile parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder setProfileParameters(final Map<String, Object> profileParameters);
* Set Target parameters for this request.
* @param targetParameters TargetParameters object
* @return this builder
public Builder setTargetParameters(final TargetParameters targetParameters);
* Build and return TargetPrefetch
* @return TargetPrefetch the target prefetch object
public TargetPrefetch build();
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