Release Notes

August 2, 2022

Android Target 1.3.0

Added getter and setter APIs for Target tnt IDs and session IDs to enable cross-channel sessions.

  • The setSessionId API should be invoked prior to any Target request to prevent the Mobile SDK from generating a session ID locally. The set session ID will follow the session expiry as governed by the target.sessionTimeout configuration setting. You can use this API in conjunction with setTntId API to set both of the value in the SDK.
  • The setTntId API, when invoked, also sets the Target edge host value in the SDK by deriving it from the profile location hint supplied in the tnt ID.
  • The getSessionId and getTntId APIs can be used to retrieve the current Target session ID and tnt ID values respectively.

August 23, 2021

Android Target 1.2.8

  • Added support for sending the click conversion A4T payload to Adobe Analytics for A4T-enabled Target activities when the locationClicked API is called.

August 5, 2021

Android Target 1.2.7

  • TargetRequest class now provides a constructor with a new callback interface named AdobeTargetDetailedCallback. When implemented, the callback method provides:
    • Target content; AND
    • Data payload map containing one or more of response tokens, Analytics payload, click metric Analytics payload (if available in the Target retrieve location content response with/ without a prior prefetch call)

Note: This SDK extension, per previous behavior, will make requests to Adobe Analytics (if the Adobe Analytics extension is also implemented) with appropriate Target payloads for A4T functionality.

June 15, 2021

Android Target 1.1.7

  • Added the changes to move away from bintray and start using Sonatype to push the SDK to Maven Central.

December 18, 2020

iOS Target 2.2.0

  • The AEP SDKs are now distributed using XCFrameworks in order to support hardware with the new Apple M1 architecture while maintaining support for existing Intel architecture.
    • IMPORTANT: Upgrading to XCFrameworks distribution requires Xcode 12.0 or newer
    • IMPORTANT: If using Cocoapods, upgrading to the XCFrameworks distribution requires Cocoapods 1.10.0 or newer

Aug 31, 2020

Android Target 1.1.6

  • Added support for configuration option target.server which enables a custom host to be used for Target requests. This configuration option is available in the Adobe Target Launch extension starting with version 2.4.0.
  • Public APIs now support error handling via passing AdobeCallbackWithError.

iOS Target 2.1.7

  • Added support for configuration option target.server which enables a custom host to be used for Target requests. This configuration option is available in the Adobe Target Launch extension starting with version 2.4.0.

March 11, 2020

The following updates were made in this release:

Android Target 1.1.5

  • Report extension details to Mobile Core for improved logging and Griffon support.
  • Target Session Id will now be added as a context data parameter in the internal Analytics for Target hit sent to Adobe Analytics.
  • Fixed an issue, where on app close and relaunch, previously persisted tntId was not being sent in Target requests.

March 10, 2020

The following updates were made in this release:

iOS Target 2.1.6

  • Report extension details to Mobile Core for improved logging and Griffon support.
  • Target Session Id will now be added as a context data parameter in the internal Analytics for Target hit sent to Adobe Analytics.

January 29, 2020

The following updates were made in this release:

Android Target 1.1.4

  • Improved existing log messages and added additional logging to assist with debugging.

iOS Target 2.1.5

  • Improved existing log messages and added additional logging to assist with debugging.

October 2, 2019

The following updates were made in this release:

Android Target 1.1.3

  • The Target session ID and Edge Host will now be persisted in Shared Preferences. If there is no activity for the configured target.sessionTimeout, these variables will be reset. The default session timeout value is 30 minutes.
  • Fixed an issue where the null at_property key, which was passed in mbox parameters, was being sent in Target requests.

iOS Target 2.1.4

  • The Target session ID and Edge Host will now be persisted in NSUserDefaults. If there is no activity for the configured target.sessionTimeout, these variables will be reset. The default session timeout value is 30 minutes.

August 8, 2019

The following updates were made in this release:

iOS Target 2.1.3

  • Fixed a bug that, when prefetchContent is called with a nil callback, caused a crash in iOS.

August 6, 2019

The following updates were made in this release:

Android Target 1.1.2

  • target.previewEnabled, a new configuration Boolean key, has been added. This key is used to enable/disable Target Preview.

    If key is not provided, preview is enabled by default.

  • Fixed an issue in Android where Target Preview links were decoded twice, which lead to an error preview page.

iOS Target 2.1.2

  • target.previewEnabled, a new configuration Boolean key, has been added. This key is used to enable/disable Target Preview.

    If key is not provided, preview is enabled by default.

  • Fixed an issue in Android where Target Preview links were decoded twice, which lead to an error preview page.

June 27, 2019

The following updates were made in this release:

Android Target 1.1.1

  • Use the target.propertyToken configuration setting to configure the at_property_token that is generated from the Target UI, instead of passing the token as an mbox parameter.
  • Fixed an issue where JSON offers were not being returned as content but instead default content was served.

iOS Target 2.1.1

  • Use the target.propertyToken configuration setting to configure the at_property_token that is generated from the Target UI, instead of passing the token as an mbox parameter.
  • Fixed an issue where JSON offers were not being returned as content but instead default content was served.

May 15, 2019

Android Target 1.1.0

  • Upgraded the Target Delivery APIs to latest v1 delivery endpoint.

  • Introduced retrieveLocationContent, a new API that retrieves content for multiple Target mbox locations simultaneously without increasing the reporting count for prefetch cases.

  • Introduced locationsDisplayed, a new API that helps Target record location to display events.

    This API should only be used for prefetch scenarios.

  • Provided support for TargetParameters which is a helper class that combines parameters such as mboxParameters, profileParameters, orderParameters, and productParameters.

  • New prefetchContent and locationClicked APIs which accept TargetParameters.

iOS Target 2.1.0

  • Upgraded the Target Delivery APIs to latest v1 delivery endpoint.

  • Introduced retrieveLocationContent, a new API that retrieves content for multiple Target mbox locations simultaneously without increasing the reporting count for prefetch cases.

  • Introduced locationsDisplayed, a new API that helps Target record location to display events.

    This API should only be used for prefetch scenarios.

  • Provided support for TargetParameters which is a helper class that combines parameters such as mboxParameters, profileParameters, orderParameters, and productParameters.

  • New prefetchContent and locationClicked APIs which accept TargetParameters.

February 28, 2019

The following updates were made to the Adobe Target extension:

The Target Client Code is now automatically added based on your Experience Cloud organization.

  • If no code is found, you can type it in.
  • If multiple codes are found, you can select the code from the drop-down list.
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