Release Notes

Release notes and change logs for the Adobe Experience Platform Assurance extension

April 2, 2022

iOS AEPAssurance 1.1.4

  • Fixed a bug that caused Assurance to not connect to a session if your iOS app's info.plist contains a property of type date.

Note: This release pertains to Assurance mobile extension that works with ACPCore

February 22, 2022

Android Assurance 1.0.4

  • Add support for transmitting large events.
  • Assurance extension now prompts an error message when attempting to connect to a deleted session.
  • Improved logging for troubleshooting.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure that event collection stops on session disconnection.

January 14, 2022

Flutter Assurance 2.0.1

  • Updated the package to reference the Android library from Maven Central Repository.
  • Migrated to the new Android APIs based on FlutterPlugin.

September 14, 2021

Xamarin Assurance iOS 1.0.0

  • iOS Assurance framework updated to 1.1.3

Xamarin Assurance Android 1.0.0

  • Android Assurance framework updated to 1.0.3

August 23, 2021

React Native Assurance 2.0.0

This major release introduces support for following:

  • Support for React Native version 0.60.+
  • Auto linking for native dependencies and removal of the bundled SDK binaries (XCFramework) from the React Native module.
  • Dynamic versions for native dependencies to always load the latest SDK.
  • Removal of registerExtension Javascript API.

August 18, 2021

Flutter Assurance 2.0.0

  • Updated to support Flutter 2.0 and null safety.

June 17, 2021

Android Assurance 1.0.3

  • Assurance state is now properly shared when reconnecting to an established session.

iOS Assurance 1.1.3

  • Assurance state is now properly shared when reconnecting to an established session.

April 21, 2021

Android Assurance 1.0.2

  • Support for Shared States in XDM format when using the AEPEdge extension.
  • Lifecycle install and launch hits are now captured for Adobe Analytics debugging.
  • Sends extension-specific state events when connecting to a Griffon session.
  • Better error handling when reaching activity or Griffon session limits.
  • Various security fixes.

iOS Assurance 1.1.1

  • Support for Shared States in XDM format when using the AEPEdge extension.
  • Lifecycle install and launch hits are now captured for Adobe Analytics debugging.
  • Sends extension-specific state events when connecting to a Griffon session.
  • Better error handling when reaching activity or Griffon session limits.
  • Bug fix that ensures the Griffon UI will always correctly show the number of connected devices.
  • Various security fixes.

December 18, 2020

iOS Assurance 1.1.0

  • The AEP SDKs are now distributed using XCFrameworks in order to support hardware with the new Apple M1 architecture while maintaining support for existing Intel architecture.
    • IMPORTANT: Upgrading to XCFrameworks distribution requires Xcode 12.0 or newer
    • IMPORTANT: If using Cocoapods, upgrading to the XCFrameworks distribution requires Cocoapods 1.10.0 or newer

November 24, 2020

Android Assurance 1.0.1

  • Fixed a bug that triggered ANR (Application not responsive) error while initializing webview.

November 23, 2020

React Native Assurance 1.0.0

Flutter Assurance 1.0.1

Xamarin Assurance 0.0.1

Cordova Assurance 0.0.1

Unity Assurance 0.0.1

October 05, 2020

Android Assurance 1.0.0

iOS Assurance 1.0.0

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