API Changelog
This page details SDK API changes between the Experience Platform SDKs and 4x SDKs.
Mobile Core APIs
For more information, see Mobile Core API reference.
Supported APIs
Experience Platform SDK | 4x SDK |
extensionVersion | version/getVersion |
getPrivacyStatus | privacyStatus |
setPrivacyStatus | setPrivacyStatus: |
setLogLevel | setDebugLogging: |
configureWithFileInPath: | overrideConfigPath: |
configureWithAppId#: | Not applicable |
updateConfiguration: | Not applicable |
setAppGroup: | setAppGroup: |
trackState:data: | trackState:data: |
trackAction:data: | trackAction:data: |
collectPII: | collectPII: |
getSdkIdentities: | getAllIdentifiersAsync: |
Deprecated APIs and functionality
4x SDK | Notes |
trackActionFromBackground | Deprecated |
trackLocation:data: | Deprecated |
trackBeacon:Data: | Support modified. See guide |
trackingClearCurrentBeacon | Deprecated |
registerAdobeDataCallback: | Deprecated |
lifetimeValue | Deprecated |
trackLifetimeValueIncrease:data: | Deprecated |
trackTimedActionStart: | Deprecated |
trackTimedActionUpdate: | Deprecated |
trackTimedActionEnd: | Deprecated |
trackTimedActionExists: | Deprecated |
trackPushMessageClickThrough:userInfo | Support modified. See guide |
Tracking App Crash | Deprecated |
Lifecycle extension APIs
Supported APIs
In the v4 iOS SDK, Lifecycle start and stop calls are made automatically by the SDK. In the AEP SDK, the calls to start and stop lifecycle will need to be made by the application developer. For more information, see Lifecycle extension in iOS.
For more information, see Lifecycle API reference.
Experience Platform SDK | 4x SDK |
lifecycleStart: | collectLifecycleData |
lifecycleStart: | collectLifecycleWithAdditionalData |
lifecyclePause | pauseCollectingLifecycleData (Android only) |
Deprecated APIs
4x SDK | Notes |
keepLifecycleSessionAlive | Deprecated |
Identity extension APIs
For more information, see Identity API reference.
Supported APIs
Experience Platform SDK | 4x SDK |
setPushIdentifier: | setPushIdentifier |
setAdvertisingIdentifier: | setAdvertisingIdentifier |
getExperienceCloudId: | visitorMarketingCloudID |
syncIdentifiers: | visitorSyncIdentifiers |
syncIdentifiers:authentication: | visitorSyncIdentifiers:authenticationState: |
syncIdentifier:identifier:authentication: | visitorSyncIdentifiersWithType:identifier:authenticationState: |
getIdentifiers | visitorGetIDs |
appendToURL:withCallback: | visitorAppendToURL: |
getUrlVariables | visitorGetUrlVariablesAsync: |
Adobe Analytics extension APIs
For more information, see Analytics API reference.
Supported APIs
Experience Platform SDK | 4x SDK |
getVisitorIdentifier: | getUserIdentifier |
setVisitorIdentifier: | setUserIdentifier |
getTrackingIdentifier: | trackingIdentifier |
sendQueuedHits: | trackingSendQueuedHits |
clearQueue | trackingClearQueue |
getQueueSize | trackingGetQueueSize |
Adobe Audience Manager extension APIs
For more information, see Audience Manager Extension API Reference.
Supported APIs
Experience Platform SDK | 4x SDK |
extensionVersion | Not applicable |
getVisitorProfile | audienceVisitorProfile |
signalWithData:callback: | audienceSignalWithData:callback |
| reset |
Deprecated APIs
4x SDK | Notes |
audienceSetDpid:dpuuid: | Replaced - See Link |
audienceDpid: | Replaced - See Link |
audienceDpuuid: | Replaced - See Link |
Adobe Target extension APIs
For more information see Target API reference.
Supported APIs
Experience Platform SDK | 4x SDK (iOS / Android) |
getThirdPartyId: | targetThirdPartyID |
setThirdPartyId: | targetSetThirdPartyID |
getTntid: | Not applicable |
resetExperience: | targetClearCookies |
prefetchObjectWithName:mboxParameters: | targetPrefetchObjectWithName:mboxParameters: |
prefetchContent:withProfileParameters:callback: | targetPrefetchContent:withProfileParameters:callback: |
prefetchClearCache: | targetPrefetchClearCache |
requestObjectWithName:defaultContent:mboxParameters:callback: | targetRequestObjectWithName:defaultContent:mboxParameters:callback: |
loadRequests:withProfileParameters: | targetLoadRequests:withProfileParameters: |
Deprecated APIs
4x SDK | Notes |
targetPcID | Deprecated |
targetSessionID | Deprecated |
targetLoadRequest:callback: | Deprecated |
targetLoadRequestWithName:defaultContent:profileParameters:orderParameters:mboxParameters:callback: | Deprecated |
targetLoadRequestWithName:defaultContent:profileParameters:orderParameters:mboxParameters:requestLocationParameters:callback: | Deprecated |
targetCreateRequestWithName:defaultContent:parameters: | Deprecated |
targetCreateOrderConfirmRequestWithName:orderId:orderTotal:productPurchasedId:parameters: | Deprecated |