Deploy to Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce provides a managed and automated hosting platform for its commerce software in the Cloud. You can use this platform to host your storefront code by installing packages developed specifically to connect your storefront with Adobe Commerce software on the same server.


This tutorial provides the general steps for setting your storefront as the front end for the Adobe Commerce application in the Cloud. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a Cloud project setup that includes your storefront project's code bundles. You can use this setup to update and deploy your storefront project in the Cloud for Adobe Commerce.


Before you follow this tutorial, you should be familiar with Cloud's Starter workflow or Pro workflow depending on your plan. Make sure you complete the Cloud onboarding tasks to avoid account or access issues.

Verify that your Adobe Commerce instance is compatible with the PWA Studio version you use in your storefront project.

This tutorial requires the following tools:

If you need to do more advanced Cloud tasks, see the Cloud technologies and requirements for the full list of tools you need to fully manage the rest of your Cloud project.

You also need an existing storefront project to do this tutorial. Follow the instructions on the Project setup page to set up your storefront project using the scaffolding tool.

Tasks overview

  1. Clone your Cloud project
  2. Add required Adobe Commerce extensions
  3. Set environment variables
  4. Build your storefront application
  5. Add your storefront project code
  6. Deploy changes

Clone your Cloud project

Use the Magento Cloud CLI tool to login and clone your Cloud project.

Run the following command:

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If this is your first time running this command, the tool takes you through the login process. After you login or when you run this command again, it presents a table of all the projects you have permission to access.

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Your projects are:
| ID | Title | URL |
| yswqmrbknvqjz | My Web Store | |

Find the Cloud project you want to add your storefront to and use the Magento Cloud CLI to clone the project by specifying its ID.

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magento-cloud get yswqmrbknvqjz

This command creates a project directory and initializes the Git repository associated with your Cloud project. Depending on your access permissions for the default environment, this directory may appear empty.

Navigate to the project directory and use the Magento Cloud CLI to list the environments for this project.

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magento-cloud environment:list

This command displays a table of environments which lists their ID, Title, and Status.

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Your environments are:
| ID | Title | Status |
| production* | Production | Active |
| staging | Staging | Active |
| myStorefront-develop | myStorefront-develop | In progress |
| myStorefront-cicd | myStorefront-cicd | Active |
* - Indicates the current environment

Use the Adobe Commerce CLI to checkout the environment where you want to add your storefront code, such as the staging environment.

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magento-cloud checkout staging

Add required Adobe Commerce extensions

Adobe Commerce in the Cloud does not support node processes, so you cannot use UPWARD-JS to serve your storefront project. You must use the magento2-upward-connector module with UPWARD-PHP to deploy your storefront to the Cloud.

First, use the composer CLI command to add the magento2-upward-connector module to the Adobe Commerce installation:

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composer require magento/module-upward-connector

This command modifies the composer.json file and adds the package entry to the require section of the composer.json file.

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"magento/module-upward-connector": "^1.1.2"

Second, add the required PWA modules.

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composer require magento/pwa
composer require magento/pwa-commerce

Set environment variables

PWA Studio storefronts require you to set specific environment variables in your project for the build and runtime processes.

Runtime variables

Absolute path to UPWARD YAML configuration
Specifies the node environment type
URL of your Adobe Commerce backend

To set your Cloud project's runtime variables, edit the file and add entries to the variables.env section.

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CONFIG__DEFAULT__WEB__UPWARD__PATH: "/app/pmu35riuj7btw_stg/pwa/upward.yml"
NODE_ENV: "production"
MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL: "https://[your-cloud-url-here]/"

Buildtime variables

Specifies the node environment type
URL of your Adobe Commerce backend
Braintree token associated with your Adobe Commerce backend
Must be EE when deploying to Adobe Commerce in the Cloud
Origin to use for images in the UI

To set your environment variables for buildtime, navigate or open a new terminal to your storefront project and edit the .env file. Your .env file should have entries that look like the following:

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CHECKOUT_BRAINTREE_TOKEN=<generated token from Braintree>

Finding the correct UPWARD path value

The CONFIG_DEFAULT_WEB_UPWARD_PATH variable specifies the absolute path to the UPWARD configuration file in the deployed Cloud instance. If this value is incorrect or not set, the connector extension cannot serve your storefront application and your frontend appears broken.

In the previous example, /app/pmu35riuj7btw_stg/ is the Adobe Commerce application's root directory on the deployed instance. This value is different for each environment in your Cloud project, so you must configure each of your project environments with the path specific to each instance. To find the correct root directory path for an environment, SSH into the remote server and use the pwd command to find the Magento application root directory.

Build your storefront application

In your storefront project directory, use yarn or npm to install project dependencies and run the project's build command.

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yarn install &&
yarn build

These commands install project dependencies and runs the build process, which creates a dist folder that contains code bundles for your storefront application. It also copies over the static assets your application needs from your project into this folder.

Add your storefront project code

In your Cloud project, create a pwa folder and copy into it the content inside your storefront project's dist folder.

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mkdir pwa && cp -r <path to your storefront project>/dist/* pwa

If you are updating your existing storefront code, you must delete the content inside the pwa directory before you copy the new dist content to avoid keeping the old bundles the application no longer uses.

Deploy changes

At this point in the tutorial, your Cloud project should have changes in the following files and directories:

  • composer.json
  • composer.lock
  • pwa

Edit your Cloud project's .gitignore file and add the following entries to track the pwa directory in git:

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Use the Git CLI tool to stage, commit, and push these changes to your Cloud project.

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git add . &&
git commit -m "Added storefront file bundles" &&
git push origin

After you push changes to your Cloud project, the remote build process runs and deploys a live instance of your site to the Cloud service.

Merging environments

The Cloud topic on how to Deploy your store provides more details on the deployment process. It also includes instructions for merging environment branches, such as integration to staging or staging to production.

If your workflow involves merging environment branches, you must rebuild your application bundle with the correct environment variables before you push your changes to the Cloud service because variables, such as CONFIG__DEFAULT__WEB__UPWARD__PATH and MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL, can vary between these environments.