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Creating Programs and Environments

Creating AEM Cloud Service Programs

Based on the entitlements available for an organization, AEM Cloud Service programs may be created through the Cloud Manager API. This is done by executing a POST request to the http://ns.adobe.com/adobecloud/rel/programs HAL link of the tenant resource. To discover the tenant resource, you can either navigate to the http://ns.adobe.com/adobecloud/rel/tenant HAL link from any existing program or execute a GET request to https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/tenants. This response will contain exactly one tenant resource.

Creating a Production Program

To create a production program, the body of the POST request needs to include the type aem_cloud_service, a name, and at least one solution name. The allowed solutions are aemsites and aemassets.

For example:

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1POST https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/tenant/1/programs
4 "name": "My Second Program",
5 "type": "aem_cloud_service",
6 "solutionNames": ["aemsites"]

Creating a Sandbox Program

To create a sandbox program, the body of the POST request needs to include the type aem_cloud_service, a name, and a capabilities object that specifies that it is a sandbox program.

For example:

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1POST https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/tenant/1/programs
4 "name": "My Second Program",
5 "type": "aem_cloud_service",
6 "capabilities": {
7 "sandbox": true
8 }

Creating AEM Cloud Service Environments

In order to find the set of currently available regions, execute a GET request to the http://ns.adobe.com/adobecloud/rel/regions HAL link of the program.

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GET https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/program/4/regions

This will return a list like this:

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2 "_embedded": {
3 "regions": [
4 {
5 "name": "va7"
6 },
7 {
8 "name": "nld2"
9 }
10 ]
11 },
12 "_totalNumberOfItems": 2

The set of available regions will vary based on capacity and entitlements, so always check this list before creating an environment. The superset of possible regions are:

  • aus5 - Australia Southeast
  • can2 - Canada
  • deu6 - Germany
  • gbr9 - UK South
  • jpn4 - Japan
  • nld2 - West Europe
  • sgp5 - Singapore
  • va7 - East US
  • wa1 - West US

Creating a Single Region Environment

Using the region value, you can then execute a POST request to the http://ns.adobe.com/adobecloud/rel/environments HAL link of the program with the desired name and type.

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1POST https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/program/4/environments
4 "name" : "my-second-dev-environment",
5 "type" : "dev",
6 "region" : "va7"

Creating a Multi Region Environment

To create multi region, the body of the POST request needs to include the secondaryRegionDeployments that specifies the regions in which additional publish instances should be provisioned. For example:

Copied to your clipboard
1POST https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/program/4/environments
4 "name" : "my-multi-region-prod-environment",
5 "type" : "prod",
6 "region" : "va7",
7 "secondaryRegionDeployments" : [
8 {
9 "region" : "wa1"
10 },
11 {
12 "region" : "sgp5"
13 }
14 ]

Important Limitations

Usage of this API will be limited by the existing environment limits. Specifically:

  • Sandbox programs are limited to one environment of each type.
  • Production programs are limited to one stage and one production environment.
  • The total number of dev environments in production programs is limited to the number of dev environments contracted for that organization.
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