Error Handling

Adobe Express Embed SDK Error Handling Guide.

Error handling hero image


Effective error handling is crucial for maintaining a robust and user-friendly application. This guide provides a comprehensive approach to managing errors, ensuring the host application developers and end-users can navigate issues efficiently and effectively.

Key Components

The guide provides key components such as Error codes,their meaning, action for host application, the end-user experience for each error, and recoverability.

  • Error identification : Understanding the types of errors that can occur, such as syntax, runtime, and logical errors.
  • What to do : What actions you can take to recover from the error.
  • User experience : The guide explains how these errors impact the user.
  • Recoverability : Let you know if it is a recoverable error code.

Detailed Error Code Descriptions


  • What it means : Arguments in API are not correct.
  • What to do : Consult documentation here to see permissible values.
  • User Experience/Recoverability : NA
  • Example : If an API call requires a specific parameter format and the provided parameter does not meet this format, the application should display an error message like, "Invalid parameters."


  • What it means : Occurs when the user ID does not match the expected value.
  • What to do : Ensure the user ID being used is correct and matches the expected value.
  • User Experience/Recoverability : Recoverable
  • Example : If a user tries to access their account but the user ID does not match, the application should prompt, "User ID mismatch. Please verify your user ID and try again."


  • What it means : The user does not have the necessary permissions to access the resource or in case of an unsupported browser.
  • What to do : Verify and grant the user the necessary permissions.
  • User Experience/Recoverability : Recoverable
  • Example : If a user tries to access a restricted area, the application should display, "Access denied. You do not have the necessary permissions to access this resource."


  • What it means : An error occurred in the target application.
  • What to do : Investigate the specific error in the target application and resolve it.
  • User Experience/Recoverability : Depends on the specific error.
  • Example : If an application fails to load due to an internal error, the application should display a message like, "An error occurred in the target application. Please try again later."


  • What it means : An assertion failed.
  • What to do : NA
  • User Experience/Recoverability : Depends on the specific error.
  • Example : If an assertion fails, the application should log the error and provide a message like, "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact support."


  • What it means : A network error occurred.
  • What to do : Ensure the network connection is stable and retry the request.
  • User Experience/Recoverability : Recoverable
  • Example : If a network error occurs, the application should retry the request and provide a message like, "Network error. Retrying..."


  • What it means : This may occur in some scenarios internal to SDK. More info can be found in subError.
  • What to do : NA
  • User Experience/Recoverability : This depends on the error (It can be considered non-recoverable for now).
  • Example : For a generic error, the application should provide a message that includes the subError details if available. For instance, "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact support with the following error code: [subError]."


  • What it means : An error occurred while loading a script. This error occurs when you are developing a plugin.
  • What to do : Ensure the script is correctly configured and available.
  • User Experience/Recoverability : Recoverable
  • Example : If a script load error occurs, the application should retry loading the script and provide a message like, "Error loading script. Retrying..."


  • What it means : An error occurred during SDK initialization.
  • What to do : Ensure the SDK is correctly configured and initialized. Checkout the reference documentation here for Initialization.
  • User Experience/Recoverability : Recoverable
  • Example : NA


  • What it means: The SDK you're trying to use isn't supported on this platform.
  • What to do: Make sure your platform meets the SDK's requirements. Checkout the reference documentation here.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Trying to use the SDK on an unsupported platform.
    • Solution: Verify that your platform meets the SDK requirements.


  • What it means: The SDK has already been initialized once.
  • What to do: Ensure the SDK is initialized only once. Checkout the reference documentation here for Initialization.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Calling initialize() multiple times.
    • Solution: Check your code to ensure initialize() is called only once.


  • What it means: The SDK is currently being initialized.
  • What to do: Ensure the SDK is initialized only once. Checkout the reference documentation here for Initialization.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Trying to initialize the SDK while it's already initializing.
    • Solution: Implement a check to prevent multiple initialization calls.


  • What it means: The SDK hasn't been initialized yet.
  • What to do: Make sure to initialize the SDK. Checkout the reference documentation here for Initialization.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Trying to use SDK functions before initializing it.
    • Solution: Ensure initialize() is called at the start of your application.


  • What it means: There's already an active workflow.
  • What to do: Ensure only one workflow is active at a time. Checkout the reference documentation for each workflow here.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Starting a new workflow while another is still active.
    • Solution: Implement logic to check for active workflows before starting a new one.


  • What it means: While using createWithAsset(), the provided Base64 image data is invalid.
  • What to do: Ensure the image data is valid.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Providing an incorrectly formatted Base64 image data URL.
    • Solution: Validate and correct the Base64 data before passing it to the SDK.


  • What it means: While using QuickAction, the provided video data URL is invalid.
  • What to do: Ensure the video data URL is valid.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Supplying a malformed video data URL.
    • Solution: Verify the video URL format and correct any issues.


  • What it means: While using createWithAsset(), the provided asset type URL is invalid.
  • What to do: Ensure the asset type URL is valid.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Using an unsupported URL format for an asset.
    • Solution: Ensure the URL conforms to the expected format for assets.


  • What it means: When merging videos, the assets should only be either images or videos.
  • What to do: Ensure the assets are either images or videos.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Attempting to merge a mix of images and videos.
    • Solution: Use only images or only videos for the merge operation.


  • What it means: While using createWithAsset(), the provided asset data type is invalid.
  • What to do: Ensure the asset data type is valid.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Providing an unsupported data type for an asset.
    • Solution: Verify and use a supported data type for the asset.


  • What it means: The publish file type for an export option is not allowed.
  • What to do: Ensure the publish file type is a subset of the allowed file types.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Trying to export a file in an unsupported format.
    • Solution: Use one of the allowed file types for export.


  • What it means: The "download all" target is missing in export options.
  • What to do: Ensure the "download all" target is present in the export options.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Missing "download all" target in export options.
    • Solution: Add the "download all" target to the export options.


  • What it means: The target app didn't open within the specified time. In the case of Embed, users may encounter a TARGET_LOAD_TIMED_OUT error, while in standalone express, they may see the Adobe express loader icon. If the target app doesn't open within the time(in ms) specified in loadTimeout the error callback is invoked with the error code TARGET_LOAD_TIMED_OUT. The default is 90ms. However, you have the flexibility to configure your own timeout settings to override this default limit.
  • What to do: Retry the operation.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: The target app fails to load within the timeout period.
    • Solution: Increase the timeout period or optimize the target app loading process.


  • What it means: The target app encountered an unspecified load error.
  • What to do: Retry the operation.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: The target app encounters an unspecified load error.
    • Solution: Investigate and resolve any underlying issues causing the load error.


  • What it means: The target app failed to load.
  • What to do: Retry the operation or investigate the cause of the failure.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: The target app fails to load due to an error.
    • Solution: Retry the operation or check for specific errors causing the failure.


  • What it means: You're trying to call close or terminate when there's no active workflow.
  • What to do: Ensure a workflow is active before calling close or terminate.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Attempting to close or terminate a workflow when none is active.
    • Solution: Check if a workflow is active before calling close or terminate.


  • What it means: This is a high-level error indicating that the workflow launch has failed.
  • What to do: Investigate and resolve the cause of the workflow launch failure.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: An error occurs when trying to launch a workflow.
    • Solution: Implement error handling and retry logic to address the failure.


  • What it means: While using createWithAsset(), the provided aspect ratio value is invalid.
  • What to do: Ensure the aspect ratio value is valid.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Providing an invalid aspect ratio value.
    • Solution: Validate the aspect ratio value before using it.


  • What it means: While using createWithAsset(), the dimensions (aspect ratio, width, and height) of the asset are invalid.
  • What to do: Validate the dimensions to ensure they meet the required constraints.
  • User Experience: This issue can be fixed.
  • Example:
    • Scenario: Providing dimensions that do not meet the aspect ratio, width, or height constraints.
    • Solution: Validate the aspect ratio, width, and height before using the asset.