
This guide will demonstrate how to embed our Generate Image and Edit Image modules in your own application.


The module class contains all the methods for launching quick action editors. The createImageFromText() API is powered by Adobe Firefly.

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// Initialize the SDK first
const { module } = await window.CCEverywhere.initialize({
clientId: <CLIENT_ID>,
appName: <APP_NAME>,


All the properties in this object are optional.

Pass a text prompt to preload in the Generate Image editor
Configure export options. If no export options are specified, the editor falls back to the default layout options.
Properties to configure the SDK container


This API launches an iframe that allows users to continue editing an image in a modal. Instead of the entire Express editing experience, this module only loads relevant image-editing capabilities.

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// Initialize the SDK first
const { module } = await window.CCEverywhere.initialize({
clientId: <CLIENT_ID>,
appName: <APP_NAME>,

The only required property is docConfig.

Pass an asset to preload into the Edit Image module
Pass callback functions
Configure export options. If no export options are specified, the editor falls back to the default layout options.
Properties to configure the SDK container

Example: Generate from text

The following code will invoke the generate module. In this example, we pass a string to be used as a prompt. If that field is left empty, the user will be prompted to input a prompt once the modal is open.

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// Initialize the SDK first
const { module } = await window.CCEverywhere.initialize({
clientId: <CLIENT_ID>,
appName: <APP_NAME>,
const appConfig = {
promptText: "Flying cows",
thumbnailOptions: ["edit-dropdown", "rich-preview", "publish"],
enableNewUI: true, // 👈 Enable the new Generate Image experience
publishConfig: {
id: "saveToHostApp",
label: "Save in App",
editDropdownOptions: [
{ option: "add-effects" },
{ option: "remove-background" },
{ option: "apply-adjustment" },
{ option: "insert-object" },
{ option: "remove-object" },
featureConfig: {
"community-wall": true,
"fast-mode": true,
fastModeConfig: { defaultFastModeState: "on" },
callbacks: {
onCancel: () => {},
onError: (err) => {},
onLoadStart: () => {},
onLoad: () => {},
onPublishStart: () => {},
onPublish: (publishParams) => {},
const exportConfig = [
action: {
context: "new",
target: "express",
id: "editor",
label: "Create a design",
style: {
uiType: "button",
action: {
target: "publish",
outputype: "URL",
closeTargetOnExport: true,
id: "saveToHostApp",
label: "Save in App",
style: {
uiType: "button",
module.createImageFromText(appConfig, exportConfig);

Example: Edit Image

The following code will invoke the Edit Image module.

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const { module } = await window.CCEverywhere.initialize({
clientId: <CLIENT_ID>,
appName: <APP_NAME>,
const docConfig = {
asset: {
data: "replace-with-base64-encoded-asset",
dataType: "base64",
type: "image",
const exportOptions = [
type: "continue-editing",
label: "Continue Editing",
style: {
uiType: "button",
options: [
id: "exportOption3",
style: {
uiType: "dropdown",
action: {
target: "image-module",
intent: "remove-background",
id: "exportOption4",
style: {
uiType: "dropdown",
action: {
target: "express",
intent: "add-images",
id: "exportOption5",
style: {
uiType: "dropdown",
action: {
target: "express",
intent: "add-text",
module.editImage(docConfig, exportOptions);