Quick actions

Quick actions gives your users access to powerful, one-click image and video editing tools. Try them for yourself in our demo app.

Adobe-powered quick actions take the most complex tasks from our flagship apps -- like remove background -- and turns them into one-click tasks. The quick actions component is embedded onto your application as an iframe.

The quickAction class contains all the methods for launching quick action editors.

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// Initialize the SDK first
const { quickAction } = await window.CCEverywhere.initialize({
clientId: <CLIENT_ID>,
appName: <APP_NAME>,
quickAction.convertToJPEG(docConfig, appConfig, exportConfig, containerConfig);

Each quick action has its own method, that always accepts docConfig, appConfig, exportConfig, containerConfig as optional parameters, and return void. Here are the Image quick actions:

  • convertToJPEG()
  • convertToPNG()
  • convertToSVG()
  • cropImage()
  • resizeImage()
  • removeBackground()
  • generateQRCode()

Here are the methods for video quick actions:

  • convertToGIF()
  • convertToMP4()
  • cropVideo()
  • mergeVideos()
  • resizeVideo()
  • trimVideo()
  • animateFromAudio()
  • captionVideo()


All the properties are optional.

Pass a starting asset to the quick action editor
Properties to configure the editor
Configure export options. If no export options are specified, the editor falls back to the default layout options.
Properties to configure the SDK container

Example: Default export options

When no asset is passed as an input when a quick action is invoked, the user will be asked to browse/upload an image once the modal is open. Default export options will be surfaced to the user.

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const { quickAction } = await window.CCEverywhere.initialize({
clientId: <CLIENT_ID>,
appName: <APP_NAME>,

Example: Input asset, custom export options

The quickAction APIs can take an image asset and custom export options as input.

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const { quickAction } = await window.CCEverywhere.initialize({
clientId: <CLIENT_ID>,
appName: <APP_NAME>,
const docConfig = {
asset: {
data: base64Asset,
dataType: "base64",
type: "image",
const exportOptions = [
id: "edit-in-express",
label: "Edit in Adobe Express",
action: {
target: "express",
style: {
uiType: "button",
id: "download",
label: "Download",
action: {
target: "download",
style: {
uiType: "button",
id: "save-modified-asset",
label: "Save image",
action: {
target: "publish",
style: {
uiType: "button",
quickAction.removeBackground(docConfig, exportOptions);
Davide Barrancaamandahuarngpklaschka
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