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Media Edge API getting started

This guide provides instructions for making successful initial interactions with the Media Edge API service. This includes starting a media session and then tracking events that are sent to an Adobe Experience Platform solution such as Customer Journey Analytics (CJA). The Media Edge API service is initiated with the Session Start endpoint. Once the session is started, one or more of the following events can be tracked:

  • play
  • ping
  • bitrateChange
  • bufferStart
  • pauseStart
  • adBreakStart
  • adStart
  • adComplete
  • adSkip
  • adBreakComplete
  • chapterStart
  • chapterComplete
  • chapterSkip
  • error
  • sessionEnd
  • sessionComplete
  • statesUpdate

Each event has its own endpoint. All Media Edge API endpoints are POST methods, with JSON request bodies for event data. For more information on Media Edge API endpoints, parameters, and examples, see the Media Edge Swagger file.

This guide shows how to track the following events after starting the session:

  • Buffer start
  • Play
  • Session complete

Implementing the API

Apart from minor differences in the model and paths called, the Media Edge API has the same implementation as the Media Collection API. The implementation details of Media Collection remain valid for Media Edge API, as described in the following documentation:


Currently, Media Edge APIs do not require Authorization headers in their requests.

Starting the session

To start the media session on the server, use the Session Start endpoint. A successful response includes a sessionId, which is a required parameter for subsequent event requests.

Before making the session start request, you will need the following:

  • The datastreamId--a required parameter for the POST Session Start request. To retrieve a datastreamId, see Configure a datastream.

  • A JSON object for the request payload that contains the minimum data required (as shown in the example request below).

Once you have this information, provide the datastreamId in the following call:

POST https://edge.adobedc.net/ee-pre-prd/va/v1/sessionStart?configId={datastream ID} \

Example request

The following example shows a session start cURL request:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -i --request POST '{uri}/ee/va/v1/sessionStart?configId={dataStreamId}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"events": [
"xdm": {
"eventType": "media.sessionStart",
"mediaCollection": {
"sessionDetails": {
"name": "Media Analytics API Sample",
"playerName": "sample-html5-api-player",
"contentType": "VOD",
"length": 60,
"channel": "sample-channel",
"appVersion": "va-api-1.0.0"
"playhead": 0

In the example request above, the eventType value contains the prefix media. according to the Experience Data Model (XDM) for specifying domains.

Also, the datatypes mapping for eventType in the example above are as follows:

statesStart: Array[playerStateData], statesEnd: Array[playerStateData]
media.sessionStart, media.chapterStart, media.adStart

Example response

The following example shows a successful response for the session start request:

Copied to your clipboard
HTTP/2 200
x-request-id: 99603f5c-95cf-49ad-9afb-0ba6c5867fd7
x-rate-limit-remaining: 599
vary: Origin
date: Tue, 07 Mar 2023 14:37:58 GMT
x-konductor: 23.3.2:367bc7dc
x-adobe-edge: IRL1;6
server: jag
content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, no-transform
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
x-content-type-options: nosniff
"requestId": "df14bca1-ba0f-4574-ae80-a4e24a960c00",
"handle": [
"payload": [
"sessionId": "af8bb22766e458fa0eef98c48ea42c9e351c463318230e851a19946862020333"
"type": "media-analytics:new-session",
"eventIndex": 0
"payload": [
"key": "kndctr_6D9FE18C5536A5E90A4C98A6_AdobeOrg_cluster",
"value": "irl1",
"maxAge": 1800
"key": "kndctr_6D9FE18C5536A5E90A4C98A6_AdobeOrg_identity",
"value": "CiY1MTkxMDM4OTc1MzkwMTY4NTQ1NjAxNDg4OTgzODU5MTAzMDcyMVIPCKKt8KnsMBgBKgRJUkwx8AGirfCp7DA=",
"maxAge": 34128000
"type": "state:store"

In the example response above, the sessionId is shown as af8bb22766e458fa0eef98c48ea42c9e351c463318230e851a19946862020333. You will use this ID in subsequent event requests as a required parameter.

For more information on Session Start endpoint parameters and examples, see the Media Edge Swagger file.

For more information on XDM media data parameters, see Media Details Information Schema.

Buffer Start event request

The Buffer Start event signals when buffering starts on the media player. Buffer Resume is not an event in the API service; instead, it is inferred when a play event is sent after the Buffer Start. To make a Buffer Start event request, use your sessionId in the payload of a call to the following endpoint:

POST https://edge.adobedc.net/ee-pre-prd/va/v1/bufferStart \

Example request

The following example shows a Buffer Start cURL request:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://edge.adobedc.net/ee-pre-prd/va/v1/bufferStart' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"events": [
"xdm": {
"eventType": "media.bufferStart",
"mediaCollection": {
"sessionID": "af8bb22766e458fa0eef98c48ea42c9e351c463318230e851a19946862020333",
"playhead": 25
"timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"

In the example request above, the same sessionId that is returned in the previous call is used as the required parameter in the Buffer Start request.

The successful respone indicates a status of 200 and does not include any content.

For more information on the Buffer Start endpoint parameters and examples, see the Media Edge Swagger file.

Play event request

The Play event is sent when the media player changes its state to "playing" from another state, such as "buffering," "paused," or "error." To make a Play event request, use your sessionId in the payload of a call to the following endpoint:

POST https://edge.adobedc.net/ee-pre-prd/va/v1/play \

Example request

The following example shows a Play cURL request:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://edge.adobedc.net/ee-pre-prd/va/v1/play' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"events": [
"xdm": {
"eventType": "media.play",
"mediaCollection": {
"sessionID": "af8bb22766e458fa0eef98c48ea42c9e351c463318230e851a19946862020333",
"playhead": 25
"timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"

The successful respone indicates a status of 200 and does not include any content.

For more information on Play endpoint parameters and examples, see the Media Edge Swagger file.

Session Complete event request

The Session Complete event is sent when the end of the main content is reached. To make a Session Complete event request, use your sessionId in the payload of a call to the following endpoint:

POST https://edge.adobedc.net/ee-pre-prd/va/v1/sessionComplete \

Example request

The following example shows a Session Complete cURL request:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://edge.adobedc.net/ee-pre-prd/va/v1/sessionComplete' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"events": [
"xdm": {
"eventType": "media.sessionComplete",
"mediaCollection": {
"sessionID": "af8bb22766e458fa0eef98c48ea42c9e351c463318230e851a19946862020333",
"playhead": 25
"timestamp": "YYYY-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"

The successful respone indicates a status of 200 and does not include any content.

For more information on Session Complete endpoint parameters and examples, see the Media Edge Swagger file.

Custom metadata

By using custom metadata with Media Edge APIs, you can create multiple categories of data, including the creation of new dimensions and metrics. For more information, see Create custom metadata for Media Edge APIs.

Successful Media Edge API status codes

Each successful API request returns an HTTP 200-level status code that reflects the result, as follows:

HTTP codeMeaningDescription
A successful sessionStart request returns a 200 OK code with some data in the response, including a Session ID.
A 204 No Content code is returned for all successful requests other than the sessionStart.

For information on handling 400-level and 500-level errors status errors, see the Media Edge API trouble-shooting guide.

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