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Media Edge API trouble-shooting guide

This guide provides trouble-shooting instructions for handling errors and for obtaining successful responses.

Using error response aids

To help troubleshoot unsuccessful responses, errors are accompanied by a response body containing an error object. In this case, the response body contains problem details, as defined by RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs. To improve the API user experience, the problem details are descriptive (the details of the array keys are displayed using JsonPath to the missing or invalid field). They are also cumulative (all invalid fields will be reported in the same request).

Validating session starts

Most problems with Session start requests result in a 207 Multi-Status response. The payload is similar to a Server API non-fatal error. All Media Analytics errors have the following type: https://ns.adobe.com/aep/errors/va-edge-0XXX-XXX. The numbers displayed in the response correspond to the error status.

The following example shows a response body for a Session start request that both lacks a mandatory field and has an invalid one.

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"requestId": "d4be4f91-a535-41e7-80c6-bdd031d3a365",
"handle": [
"errors": [
"type": "https://ns.adobe.com/aep/errors/va-edge-0400-400",
"status": 400,
"title": "Invalid request",
"report": {
"eventIndex": 0,
"details": [
"name": "$.xdm.mediaCollection.sessionDetails.name",
"reason": "Missing required field"
"name": "$.xdm.timestamp",
"reason": "Field should respect ISO 8601 standard for presenting date and time with offset to UTC (e.g. 2022-05-19T19:31:02Z, 2022-05-19T21:31:02+02:00, 2022-05-19T21:31:02.234+02:00)"

In the example above, both problems are noted by name and reason under details: the first reason displays missing required field and the second describes non-compliance to the ISO 8601 standard.


For errors that are caused upstream from Media Analytics, Adobe recommends that you continue to process the generated media session.

Validating events

Most invalid event requests result in a 400 Bad Request response. In these cases, the payload is similar to Server API fatal errors.

For event requests, the Media Edge API service includes additional checks that are not captured in the XDM model itself. This includes a check that the path eventType matches the request payload eventType.

The following example shows an eventType mismatch with an adBreakStart payload sent to ee/va/v1/chapterStart:

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"type": "https://ns.adobe.com/aep/errors/va-edge-0400-400",
"status": 400,
"title": "Bad Request",
"detail": "Invalid request. Please check your input and try again.",
"report": {
"details": "The payload eventType adBreakStart was different from the path eventType chapterStart"

The following example shows an additonal Media Edge API check finding a chapterStart call missing chapterDetails info:

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"type": "https://ns.adobe.com/aep/errors/va-edge-0400-400",
"status": 400,
"title": "Bad Request",
"detail": "Invalid request. Please check your input and try again.",
"report": {
"details": [
"name": "$.events[0].xdm.mediaCollection.chapterDetails",
"reason": "Missing required field"

Handling 400-level and 500-level errors

The following table provides instruction for handling status response errors:

Error CodeDescription
4xx Bad request
Most 4xx errors (e.g. 400, 403, 404) should not be retried by the user. Retrying the request will not result in a succesful response. The user should address the error before retrying the request. Events resulting in 4xx status codes are not tracked, which could potentially affect the accuracy of data in sessions that received 4xx responses.
410 Gone
Indicates that the session intended for tracking is no longer being computed on the server-side. The most common reason for this is that the session is longer than 24 hours. After receiving a 410, try to start a new session and track it.
429 Too many requests
This response code indicates that the server is rate limiting the requests. Follow the Retry-After instructions in the response header carefully. Any responses flowing back must carry the HTTP response code with a domain specific error code.
500 Internal server error
500 errors are generic, catch-all errors. 500 errors should not be retried, except for 502, 503 and 504.
502 Bad gateway
This error code Indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway, received an invalid response from upstream servers. This can happen due to network issues between servers. The temporary network issue can resolve itself, so retrying the request may resolve the issue.
503 Service unavailable
This error code indicates that the service is temporarily unavailable. This can happen during maintenance periods. Recipients of 503 errors can retry the request, but should also follow the Retry-After header instructions.

Queueing events when session responses are slow

After starting a media tracking session, the media player may fire before the Session Start response returns (with the Session ID parameter) from the backend. If this occurs, your app must queue any tracking events that arrive between the Session start request and its response. When the Sessions response arrives, you should first process any queued events, then you can start processing live events.

For best results, check the Reference Player in your distribution for instructions on how to process events prior to receiving a Session ID.

The following example shows a method for processing events prior to receiving a Session ID:

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// For event payload format, see "Request body" sections of "Session start request", "Event requests" respectively. *
VideoPlayer.prototype._collectEvent = function(event) {
var sessionID = event.events[0].xdm.mediaCollection.sessionID
var eventType = event.events[0].xdm.eventType.substring("media.".length);
// If we don't have a Session ID yet,
// queue the event and return...
if (sessionId === undefined) {
console.log("[Player] Queueing event")
// If we DO have a Session ID, process the
// tracking event...
"baseUrl": `${endpoint}`,
"path": `ee/va/v1/${eventType}`,
"method": `POST`,
"data": `${event}`
}).then((response) => {
if (eventType === "sessionStart") {
var newSessionID = response.json().handle.filter((h) => h.type === "media-analytics:new-session")[0].payload[0].sessionId;
VideoPlayer.prototype._processPendingEvents function(sessionID) {
_pendingEvents.forEach((event) => {
event.events[0].xdm.mediaCollection.sessionID = sessionID;
_pendingEvents = [];
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