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Monitors the Performance of the Application in New Relic

To use this module, it requires a New Relic account and the environment already by configured to use that account. For general New Relic PHP configuration information, see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/agents/php-agent/configuration/php-agent-configuration/ .

To configure this module, edit app/etc/env.php Add these lines.

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'application' => [
'performance_monitor' => [
'newrelic_output_enable' => 1,
'newrelic_output_verbose' => 0,

Use 0 or 1 as the value to enable or disable. newrelic_output_enable defaults to 1, and newrelic_output_verbose defaults to 0.

The option newrelic_output_enable enables outputting performance metrics to New Relic. The option newrelic_output_verbose adds additional metrics

See README.md in ApplicationPerformanceMonitor for details about what metrics are in each.

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