
The Magento_DeferredTotalCalculating module optimizes the checkout process by deferring the total calculation until it is requested for shopping cart or final checkout steps.

DeferredTotalCalculating values:

  • 0 — (Default value) Disable the DeferredTotalCalculating module and use the standard total calculation throughout the shopping process.
  • 1 — Enable the DeferredTotalCalculating module to show a subtotal and defer calculating the complete total until in the shopping cart or final checkout steps.

To enable DeferredTotalCalculating, set the checkout/deferred_total_calculating variable in the env.php file. For example:

Copied to your clipboard
'checkout' => [
'deferred_total_calculating' => 1

Alternatively, you can set the variable using the command-line interface:

Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento setup:config:set --deferred-total-calculating 1