
The Magento_GiftCardSharedCatalog module enables gift cards to be added to a shared catalog in an B2B environment. This module extends Magento_SharedCatalog and Magento_GiftCard modules.

The Magento_GiftCardSharedCatalog module provides the following features:

  • Display and manage prices for gift cards within a shared catalog.

  • Control the visibility of gift cards in quotes and orders. Only those gift card products that have been added to a shared catalog will be available for searches via the "Add by SKU" feature in quotes and orders.

Installation details

The Magento_GiftCardSharedCatalog module has a dependency on the Magento_SharedCatalog and Magento_GiftCard modules, which must be installed and enabled first. This module does not create any backward incompatible changes. It can be uninstalled or deactivated at any time.


Learn about a typical file structure for a Magento 2 module.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_GiftCardSharedCatalog module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plug-ins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_GiftCardSharedCatalog module.


You can extend and override layouts in the Magento\GiftCardSharedCatalog\view\adminhtml\layout directories.

For more information about layouts, see the Layout documentation.

UI components

The following directory contains extensible UI components:

  • Magento\GiftCardSharedCatalog\view\adminhtml\ui_component - renderer for pricing and structure listings

For more information, see UI Listing/Grid Component.

Additional information

You can track backward incompatible changes made in a Magento B2b mainline after the Magento 2.2 release.