Magento_GiftMessage module

This module allows to add a message to order or to each ordered item either on frontend or backend.


Before installing this module, note that the Magento_GiftMessage is dependent on the following modules:

  • Magento_Catalog
  • Magento_Sales
  • Magento_Quote

Before disabling or uninstalling this module, note that the Magento_GiftMessageGraphQl module depends on this module

The Magento_GiftMessage module creates the gift_message table in the database.

This module modifies the following tables in the database:

  • quote - adds column gift_message_id
  • quote_address - adds column gift_message_id
  • quote_item - adds column gift_message_id
  • quote_address_item - adds column gift_message_id
  • sales_order - adds column gift_message_id
  • sales_order_item - adds columns gift_message_id and gift_message_available

For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see Enable or disable modules.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_GiftMessage module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plugins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_GiftMessage module.

A lot of functionality in the module is on JavaScript, use mixins to extend it.


The module dispatches the following events:

  • gift_options_prepare_items event in the \Magento\GiftMessage\Block\Message\Inline::getItems method. Parameters:

    • items is a entityItems (array type)
  • gift_options_prepare event in the \Magento\GiftMessage\Block\Message\Inline::isMessagesOrderAvailable method. Parameters:

    • entity is an entity object

For information about an event in Magento 2, see Events and observers.


This module introduces the following layouts in the view/frontend/layout and view/adminhtml/layout directories:

  • view/adminhtml/layout:
    • sales_order_create_index
    • sales_order_create_load_block_data
    • sales_order_create_load_block_items
    • sales_order_view
  • view/frontend/layout:
    • checkout_cart_index
    • checkout_cart_item_renderers

For more information about a layout in Magento 2, see the Layout documentation.

Public APIs


  • Magento\GiftMessage\Api\Data\MessageInterface
    • gift message data


  • \Magento\GiftMessage\Api\CartRepositoryInterface

    • get the gift message by cart ID for specified shopping cart
    • set the gift message for an entire shopping cart
  • \Magento\GiftMessage\Api\GuestCartRepositoryInterface

    • get the gift message by cart ID for specified shopping cart
    • set the gift message for an entire shopping cart

Cart Item

  • \Magento\GiftMessage\Api\GuestItemRepositoryInterface

    • get the gift message for a specified item in a specified shopping cart
    • set the gift message for a specified item in a specified shopping cart
  • \Magento\GiftMessage\Api\ItemRepositoryInterface

    • get the gift message for a specified item in a specified shopping cart
    • set the gift message for a specified item in a specified shopping cart


  • \Magento\GiftMessage\Api\OrderItemRepositoryInterface
    • get the gift message for a specified order
    • set the gift message for an entire order

Order Item

  • \Magento\GiftMessage\Api\OrderItemRepositoryInterface
    • get the gift message for a specified item in a specified order
    • set the gift message for a specified item in a specified order

For information about a public API in Magento 2, see Public interfaces & APIs.

Additional information

Learn more about Gift Options and Gift Message.