Magento_ImportExport module

This module provides a framework and basic functionality for importing/exporting various entities in Magento. It can be disabled and in such case all dependent import/export functionality (products, customers, orders etc.) will be disabled in Magento.


The Magento_ImportExport module creates the following tables in the database:

  • importexport_importdata
  • import_history

All database schema changes made by this module are rolled back when the module gets disabled and setup:upgrade command is run.

For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see Enable or disable modules.


Files/ - the directory that contains sample import files.

For information about a typical file structure of a module in Magento 2, see Module file structure.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_ImportExport module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plugins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_ImportExport module.


This module introduces the following layout handles in the view/frontend/layout directory:

  • adminhtml_export_getfilter
  • adminhtml_export_index
  • adminhtml_history_grid_block
  • adminhtml_history_index
  • adminhtml_import_busy
  • adminhtml_import_index
  • adminhtml_import_start
  • adminhtml_import_validate

For more information about a layout in Magento 2, see the Layout documentation.

UI components

You can extend an export updates using the configuration files located in the view/adminhtml/ui_component directory:

  • export_grid

For information about a UI component in Magento 2, see Overview of UI components.

Public APIs

  • Magento\ImportExport\Api\Data\ExportInfoInterface

    • getter and setter interface with data needed for export
  • Magento\ImportExport\Api\Data\ExtendedExportInfoInterface

    • extends Magento\ImportExport\Api\Data\ExportInfoInterface. Contains data for skipped attributes
  • \Magento\ImportExport\Api\ExportManagementInterface

    • Executing actual export and returns export data

For information about a public API in Magento 2, see Public interfaces & APIs.

Additional information

Message Queue Consumer

  • exportProcessor - consumer to run export process

Learn how to manage Message Queues.

Create custom import entity

  1. Declare the new import entity in etc/import.xml
  2. Create an import model

Create custom export entity

  1. Declare the new import entity in etc/export.xml
  2. Create an export model

You can get more information about import/export processes in magento at the articles: