Magento_MediaStorage module

This module implements functionality related with upload media files and synchronize it by database.


Before installing this module, note that the Magento_MediaStorage is dependent on the following modules:

  • Magento_Catalog
  • Magento_Theme

For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see Enable or disable modules.


App/ - the directory that contains launch application entry point.

For information about a typical file structure of a module in Magento 2, see Module file structure.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_MediaStorage module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plug-ins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_MediaStorage module.

Additional information

Console commands

  • bin/magento catalog:images:resize - creates resized product images

Message Queue Consumer

  • - creates resized product images

Learn how to manage Message Queues.

More information can get at articles: