Magento_QuoteGraphQl module

This module provides type and resolver information for the GraphQl module to generate quote (cart) information endpoints. Also provides endpoints for modifying a quote.


Before installing this module, note that the Magento_QuoteGraphQl is dependent on the following modules:

  • Magento_CatalogGraphQl

This module does not introduce any database schema modifications or new data.

For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see Enable or disable modules.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_QuoteDownloadableLinks module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plug-ins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_QuoteDownloadableLinks module.

Additional information

You can get more information about GraphQl In Magento 2.

GraphQl Query

GraphQl Mutation