Compatibility requirements overview

The Commerce Marketplace requires that all listings adhere to standards of quality and maintenance. Merchants that install listings that are not well maintained suffer from an inability to upgrade. This inability exposes merchants to security risks and prevents them from accessing the latest features in other listings and services.

To mitigate this, Adobe has introduced multiple requirements for listings that address three specific issues:

  • Compatibility with release lines—To unblock go-to-market for new merchants and upgrades for existing merchants, we need listings to support the latest versions of Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source, including both latest release lines and latest patch versions.
  • Abandonment—Merchants don't want to see listings that are not regularly updated and maintained.
  • Obsoletion (EOL)—Merchants need to be protected from situations when a significant number of available listings only support EOL versions of Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source.

The topics in this section describe these requirements in more detail. They're also covered in the Policies section of the Developer Portal (to see Policies, go to Resources in the top menu).

App resources

The following resources apply to Marketplace apps:

Commerce resources:

App Builder resources: