Seller overview

As a seller on Commerce Marketplace, your process starts with the development and testing your product. During this phase, be sure to follow the Best Practices for Extension Developers.

Set up your account

Set up your account

Your account provides access to the Commerce Marketplace, as well as the developer tools needed to submit a product for sale.

Build your app or extension

Build your app or extension

Walk through the steps of the app or extension building process and learn about the technical and marketing guidelines for selling on the marketplace.

Submit for review

Submit for review

After completing development, testing, and creating a new listing entry, submit your app or extension for technical and marketing review.

Manage your sales

Manage your sales

Use the sales and analytics reports to view and manage your sales information.

Although you are not prevented from listing and selling your products and services on your own site, we believe that Commerce Marketplace presents the greatest opportunity to drive sales for your products and services.