Composer integration

Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source use Composer, a PHP dependency manager, to package components and product editions.

Composer reads a composer.json file in the application's root directory to download third-party dependencies listed in the file.

We recommend you include composer.json in your component's root directory even if you do not intend to distribute it externally.

Here is an example of the composer.json file.

Copied to your clipboard
"name": "mycompany/sample-module-minimal",
"description": "A module that creates a page in the admin area",
"type": "magento2-module",
"version": "1.0.0",
"license": [
"require": {
"php": "~7.3.0||~7.4.0"
"autoload": {
"files": [ "registration.php" ],
"psr-4": {
"MyCompany\\ExampleAdminNewPage\\": ""

Composer binary location

Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source use the Composer binary in the <Application root>/vendor/composer directory instead of a globally installed composer.

Keep this in mind while customizing, updating, or troubleshooting Composer while working with Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source.

Project vs product

In Composer, a "project" package is a template used by the composer create-project to set up the project structure. The installation instructions for system integrators use the Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce project packages to set up the directory structure.

A "product" package is the actual application pointed to by the composer.json file after you download and install the project package using composer create-project.

Types of Composer files

The following components and product editions use a composer.json file.


Location: composer.json

Name: magento/magento2ce

Type: project

This is the main composer.json file, which declares dependencies and third-party components.

Other root composer.json files use this file as a template.

Magento Open Source project

Location: composer.json

Name: magento/project-community-edition

Type: project

System integrators use this composer.json file to deploy the Magento Open Source product and its dependencies.

Adobe Commerce project

Location: composer.json

Name: magento/product-enterprise-edition

Type: project

System integrators use this composer.json file to deploy the Adobe Commerce product and its dependencies.

Commerce framework

Location: lib/internal/Magento/Framework/composer.json

Name: magento/framework

Type: magento2-library

The Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source applications uses this composer.json file for its framework packages.



  • app/code/<vendor-name>/<module-name>/composer.json
  • vendor/<vendor-name>/<module-name>/composer.json

Name: <vendor-name>/<package-name>

Type: magento2-module

The composer.json file for a module extension declares external dependencies that it needs to function.



  • app/design/frontend/<vendor-name>/<theme-name>/composer.json
  • app/design/adminhtml/<vendor-name>/<theme-name>/composer.json

Name: <vendor-name>/<package-name>

Type: magento2-theme

The composer.json file for a theme component contains parent theme dependencies the extension needs to inherit.

Language package

Location: app/i18n/<vendor-name>/<language-code>/composer.json

Name: <vendor-name>/<package-name>

Type: magento2-language

For language packages, you must use the correct ISO code for the language code in the composer.json file.

Magento-specific package types

Extensions can be any of the following types:

  • magento2-module for modules
  • magento2-theme for themes
  • magento2-language for language packages
  • magento2-component for general extensions that do not fit any of the other types

The extension type tells the system where to install the directories and files of each extension in the directory structure.

Naming conventions

Since the namespace of a Composer package is global within a package repository, e.g., use the following format when naming your package:


Using the Composer naming convention helps distinguish packages from different vendors with a low risk of overlapping.


All letters in the vendor name must be in lowercase. For example, the vendor name format for extensions released by Adobe is magento.

Commerce Marketplace extensions

Commerce Marketplace uses vendor-name to match an extension to a vendor during the extension submission process. If you plan to submit your extension to the Commerce Marketplace, you must use the unique Vendor Name created or assigned to you when you created your marketplace account.

In the composer.json file, use the value of 'Vendor Name' in your profile for the vendor-name part of the extension name.

Please see the Marketplace Documentation for more information about your unique vendor name.


All letters in the package-name must be in lowercase.

If the name contains more than one word, the Composer specification recommends separating them with dashes.

The convention for Magento package names is the following



:type-prefix is any of the extension types:

  • module- for module extensions
  • theme- for theme extensions
  • language- for language extensions
  • product- for metapackages such as Magento Open Source or Adobe Commerce

: suffix is a unique identifier for extensions of that type.


Components have the following types of versions:

  • Marketing version; in other words, the version the merchant interacts with.

    Your initial version might be 1.0.0 or 2.0.0, for example. You should follow our versioning policy guidelines when setting your version.

  • Composer version; in other words, the version of each module, theme, language package, third-party package, and dependencies.

Using Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source code as an example, marketing version 2.0.0 includes component versions such as 100.0.1, 100.0.2, and so on. These versioning strategy prevents collisions between the marketing version and component versions.