Public interfaces and APIs
Learn about interfaces and APIs.
What is an interface?
A public interface is a set of code that third-party developers can call, implement, or build as a plug-in. Adobe guarantees that this code will not change in subsequent releases without a major version change.
Public interfaces for a module are marked with the @api
Third-party developers should use only these interfaces, that is, interfaces with the @api
annotation. You can use other interfaces but those may be modified or removed in subsequent Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source releases. For more information, see Backward compatibility.
Example of public interface annotation
Copied to your clipboard<?php/*** Copyright [first year code created] Adobe* All rights reserved.*/namespace Magento\CatalogRule\Api;/*** Interface CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface* @api* @since 100.1.0*/interface CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface{...
What is an API?
An application programming interface (API) is a set of interfaces and their implementations that a module provides to other modules.
Example of an API interface implementation
The Magento_CatalogRule
The Magento\CatalogRule\Api\CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface
Copied to your clipboard<?php/*** Copyright [first year code created] Adobe* All rights reserved.*/namespace Magento\CatalogRule\Api;use Magento\CatalogRule\Api\Data\RuleInterface;use Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotDeleteException;use Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotSaveException;use Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException;/*** Interface CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface* @api* @since 100.1.0*/interface CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface{/*** @param RuleInterface $rule* @return RuleInterface* @throws CouldNotSaveException* @since 100.1.0*/public function save(RuleInterface $rule): RuleInterface;/*** @param int $ruleId* @return RuleInterface* @throws NoSuchEntityException* @since 100.1.0*/public function get(int $ruleId): RuleInterface;/*** @param RuleInterface $rule* @return bool* @throws CouldNotDeleteException* @since 100.1.0*/public function delete(RuleInterface $rule): bool;/*** @param int $ruleId* @return bool* @throws CouldNotDeleteException* @since 100.1.0*/public function deleteById(int $ruleId): bool;}
An interface implementation is declared in the di.xml
as <preference />
Copied to your clipboard<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">...<preference for="Magento\CatalogRule\Api\CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface" type="Magento\CatalogRule\Model\CatalogRuleRepository"/>...</config>
The Magento\CatalogRule\Model\CatalogRuleRepository
implements the default methods of theCatalogRuleRepositoryInterface
: save
, get
, delete
, deleteById
Copied to your clipboard<?php/*** Copyright [first year code created] Adobe* All rights reserved.*/namespace Magento\CatalogRule\Model;use Magento\CatalogRule\Api\Data;use Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotDeleteException;use Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotSaveException;use Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException;use Magento\Framework\Exception\ValidatorException;use Magento\CatalogRule\Api\CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface;class CatalogRuleRepository implements CatalogRuleRepositoryInterface{.../*** @inheritdoc*/public function save(Data\RuleInterface $rule): Data\RuleInterface{...}/*** @inheritdoc*/public function get(int $ruleId): Data\RuleInterface{...}/*** @inheritdoc*/public function delete(Data\RuleInterface $rule): bool{...}/*** @inheritdoc*/public function deleteById(int $ruleId): bool{...}}
API types
The following items are considered types of APIs:
- Directory structure
- Configuration files structure
- Events
- Client API
- Provider API (SPI)
Directory structure and configuration file structure are types of APIs because extension developers use them. Developers write configurations, and place their static files in specified folders; so if the configuration file structure or directory structure changes in subsequent releases, modules and extensions may break.