Request processors pool

The request processors pool routes web API requests. It is located in the Magento_WebApi module: Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest\RequestProcessorPool

Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source define the following processors:



Executes the corresponding service contract.

  • Class: Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest\SynchronousRequestProcessor
  • URL pattern: /^\\/V\\d+/


Delivers the schema needed for generating Swagger documentation.

  • Class: Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest\SchemaRequestProcessor
  • URL pattern: schema


  • Class: Magento\WebapiAsync\Controller\Rest\AsynchronousRequestProcessor
  • URL pattern: /^\\/async(\\/V.+)/

Performs an asynchronous API request. It executes Magento\AsynchronousOperations\Model\MassSchedule::publishMass, which places a single message in the queue.


Delivers the schema needed for generating Swagger documentation for asynchronous endpoints.

  • Class: Magento\WebapiAsync\Controller\Rest\AsynchronousSchemaRequestProcessor
  • URL pattern: async/schema


  • Class: Magento\WebapiAsync\Controller\Rest\VirtualType\AsynchronousBulkRequestProcessor
  • URL pattern: /^\\/async\/bulk(\\/V.+)/

Performs a bulk API request by executing Magento\AsynchronousOperations\Model\MassSchedule::publishMass, which places multiple messages in the queue.


Currently not used. Reserved for future use.

  • Class: Magento\WebapiAsync\Controller\Rest\VirtualType\AsynchronousBulkSchemaRequestProcessor
  • URL pattern: async/bulk/schema

Create a new processor

To create a custom processor, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Define the custom processor in webapi_rest/di.xml.
  • Create a processor class and implement the Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest\RequestProcessorInterface interface.
  • Define the processing rules in the canProcess method.
  • Create the processor logic in the process method.

Define the custom processor

Processors must be defined in a module's webapi_rest/di.xml file. The following example shows the definition of the default sync processor:

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<type name="Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest\RequestProcessorPool">
<argument name="requestProcessors" xsi:type="array">
<item name="sync" xsi:type="object" sortOrder="100">Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest\SynchronousRequestProcessor</item>

Create the processor class

A custom processor must implement the Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest\RequestProcessorInterface interface, as shown below:

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* Copyright [first year code created] Adobe
* All rights reserved.
namespace Magento\Webapi\Controller\Rest;
* Request processor interface
interface RequestProcessorInterface
* Executes the logic to process the request
* @param \Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request $request
* @return void
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\AuthorizationException
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\InputException
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Webapi\Exception
public function process(\Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request $request);
* Method should return true for all the requests the current processor can process.
* Invoked in the loop for all registered request processors. The first one wins.
* @param \Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request $request
* @return bool
public function canProcess(\Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request $request);

The canProcess(\Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request $request) method defines whether the current request can be processed. Currently, all implemented processors match current request URLs with the defined patterns.

For example, Magento\WebapiAsync\Controller\Rest\AsynchronousRequestProcessor processes asynchronous calls, such as <host>/rest/async/V1/products.

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const PROCESSOR_PATH = "/^\\/async(\\/V.+)/";
public function canProcess(\Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request $request)
if ($request->getHttpMethod() === \Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request::HTTP_METHOD_GET) {
return false;
if (preg_match($this->processorPath, $request->getPathInfo()) === 1) {
return true;
return false;

The process(\Magento\Framework\Webapi\Rest\Request $request) method executes processor logic.