Source selection algorithms

The Source Selection Algorithm (SSA) recommends how to fulfill partial and full shipments. The merchant decides which business needs take precedence when deciding which shipping method to use:

  • Should the products be delivered from the sources designated as having the highest priority?
  • Should the total shipment cost be the primary factor in choosing a shipment method?
  • Should the shipments originate from the closest source?
  • Should the fastest shipping method with the shortest delivery time be used, even if it's not the cheapest?

SSA interfaces

The source priority algorithm recommends delivering products from sources having the highest priority. The SourceSelectionServiceInterface accepts an InventoryRequestInterface object, which in turn contains the stock ID and a list of items to be shipped. Each item contains only the SKU and quantity. Other potentially relevant data, such as shipping address, is not included, because the priority algorithm does not need it.

Additional input data might be needed for more sophisticated algorithms, such as the Distance Priority algorithm. In this case, the algorithm needs the shipping address and all data entered for the source (GPS or full address). That's why InventoryRequestInterface implements ExtensibleDataInterface interfaces, which can be extended with custom input parameters.

Currently, Inventory Management deducts stock from the appropriate source after the merchant creates a shipment for an order. However, that's not flexible enough--a developer might want to introduce customizations and launch the SSA when the customer proceeds to checkout. Running the SSA at this point could provide the customer more accurate shipping costs. Note in this case, the Order object has not created yet, and the system must instead rely on the Quote object.

Taking into account that there are at least two valid business cases when to launch the SSA, and the data source can be an Order or Quote object, Inventory Management introduces a new layer of abstraction. The algorithm must use an abstract data container instead of a specific Magento entity.

Use these interfaces to create your own SSA:

Develop a custom algorithm

As you develop your custom Source Selection Algorithm, keep these design considerations in mind:

  • Implement SourceSelectionInterface
  • If your module provides an SSA on quotes, introduce your own InventoryRequestFactory
  • Register your SSA within a di.xml file

Implement SourceSelectionInterface

Your SSA must implement SourceSelectionInterface, which is shown below:

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* Returns source selection algorithm result for given Inventory Request
* Current interface should be implemented in order to add own Source Selection Method
* @api
interface SourceSelectionInterface
* @param InventoryRequestInterface $inventoryRequest
* @return SourceSelectionResultInterface
public function execute(
InventoryRequestInterface $inventoryRequest
): SourceSelectionResultInterface;

For example, the following example defines the MinimalDeliveryCostAlgorithm class:

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namespace Some\Vendor\Namespace\SourceSelection;
* Minimal Delivery Cost for Merchant algorithm
* @api
class MinimalDeliveryCostAlgorithm implements SourceSelectionInterface
public function execute(
InventoryRequestInterface $inventoryRequest
): SourceSelectionResultInterface;
// TODO: Implement execute() method.

Create a InventoryRequest factory for quotes (optional)

Magento provides the InventoryRequestFromOrderFactory, which determines the sources to use to fulfill the order at the time a shipment is created.

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class InventoryRequestFromOrderFactory
* @param OrderInterface $order
* @return InventoryRequestInterface
public function create(OrderInterface $order) : InventoryRequestInterface
$requestItems = [];
$websiteId = $order->getStore()->getWebsiteId();
$stockId = (int)$this->stockByWebsiteIdResolver->execute((int)$websiteId)->getStockId();
/** @var OrderItemInterface|OrderItem $orderItem */
foreach ($order->getItems() as $orderItem) {
$itemSku = $this->getSkuFromOrderItem->execute($orderItem);
$qtyToDeliver = $orderItem->getQtyToShip();
//check if order item is not delivered yet
if ($orderItem->isDeleted()
|| $orderItem->getParentItemId()
|| $this->isZero((float)$qtyToDeliver)
|| $orderItem->getIsVirtual()
) {
$requestItems[] = $this->itemRequestFactory->create([
'sku' => $itemSku,
'qty' => $qtyToDeliver
return $this->inventoryRequestFactory->create([
'stockId' => $stockId,
'items' => $requestItems

To add an SSA at the time of checkout, introduce your own factory that produces an InventoryRequestInterface based on a Quote object, outlined as follows:

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class InventoryRequestFactory
* @param \Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartInterface $quote
* @return InventoryRequestInterface
public function create(\Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartInterface $quote) : InventoryRequestInterface

Configure di.xml

Configure your module's etc/di.xml file to register your SSA with SourceSelectionServiceInterface and GetSourceSelectionAlgorithmList.

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<type name="Magento\InventorySourceSelectionApi\Model\SourceSelectionService">
<argument name="sourceSelectionMethods" xsi:type="array">
<item name="minimalDeliveryCost" xsi:type="string">Some\Vendor\Namespace\SourceSelection\MinimalDeliveryCostAlgorithm</item>
<type name="Magento\InventorySourceSelectionApi\Model\GetSourceSelectionAlgorithmList">
<argument name="availableAlgorithms" xsi:type="array">
<item name="minimalDeliveryCost" xsi:type="array">
<item xsi:type="string" name="code">minimalDeliveryCost</item>
<item xsi:type="string" name="title" translatable="true">Minimal Delivery Cost</item>
<item xsi:type="string" name="description" translatable="true">Algorithm that calculates the shipping option with the lowest shipping cost to the merchant.</item>